Wednesday, March 14, 2018

CHINA - Termite traps

I'm here in China in shoes of province China is one of our biggest clients of the GF and we spend a lot of time and resources here I'm here today looking up saw a to my trap which is part of the Mavericks and chlordane elimination program to can you tell me what what the chapters I yes there this this would not have the time it's.

CHINA Termite traps

That 9 of the 10 minutes into the into a tape devices then she dons a world.

And then evil we find the food medicamentos. Into the business end of the but since a chemical on the tenants and and lex Tim it's a via go back to that lets them support in that they adopt a chemical. Ian for comedy and then that kills the top colony I yes okay good thanks.

Let's put it back on the ground that.

Charlotte Home Inspector Reveals Extensive Termite Damage in Home

Hello this is Bill Casters whatever with home inspection Carolina we're taking a look at today is a 16 year old home built on a slab.

Charlotte Home Inspector Reveals Extensive Termite Damage in Home

With some termite damage others a pretty extensive amount of it and I got to poking and prodding around and to begin with most of it look fine but you can see here just when you touch it that's where you termite tracks are at.

This is in the master bedroom other run all down this wall. Must all small area on the front baseboard and when you get behind the front baseboard arming see where they run through here as well. The first place I spotted them was in the kitchen. This is where the refrigerator used to sit. And see what I've gone through this baseboard.

Come along here and then they disappear in behind the cab. This whole section of baseboard along the outer wall is new on the guests been replaced because of termite damage. In the living room. This baseboard. And this baseboard our name again and I guess a better place because the base for damage as well as.

The front middle bedroom has got brand new baseboard and. This is the right rear badgering the complete opposite side of the house as the front master bedroom or a started and we got termite damage down here to this base board as well. In the middle bedroom not find damage at this point.

But we do have passed signs of exploratory tubes as you see from the mud. And then another one along this from Wall here. Once you've got termite damage especially on a slab that this instance have been spread out. We will recommend have a licensed contractor come through full review all of these areas by doing in it invasive inspection. I invasive restrictions would require removing baseboard so that the wall studs in the steel plate all behind here.

You know check those to make sure that there's no damage to any of the framing or that the stud work when we have a slant home this to spread out the termites were here for quite some time so you just want to find out the it stand out that damage. If you or someone you know get ready to have a home inspection please feel free to give us a call home inspection Carolina.

C'est pas sorcier - TERMITES

Shenzhen tendons le bouquin six juin trouver mille et dans un état regards hors grandes villes où ils sont je dirais plutôt aux termites déterminent très intéressants et permis de devrions voir de plus près bachar.

C'est pas sorcier - TERMITES

Tu vas devoir annoncer de tourments aujourd'hui je fais la cuisine. Moins de marcel déterre buteur déterminent l un. Un. Un. Dix. Un. Un. Dix. Dix. Un. Un. Un. Un. Un. Un. Une. Un. Jamie. Pour les rouges par les termites. Grave. Si. C est la maison toute entière. Deux morts et. En interne et. Mais avant de se retrouver dans les. Nos maisons les. Permet. Vivent dans les fonds. Et au sol. L ouest. Comme étant. Si vous leur voix. R d sont les.

En juin les arbres morts sont. Bien cela. Alors que la. A. Ont rendez-vous. C'est l'une des six espaces. On les appelle. Hernie de. Cent onze jens. Lire. L enquête ces portraits on en terminent. Tu veux d un internet. Un père et. Un bon vin mais à un mois c'est aux versions on est toujours interné et. Henry notaire guides européens ne sont pas bien gros environ quatre millimètres mais il existe d autres espèces dont les individus. Dépasse le centimètre. Dans le monde en a recensé plus de deux mille trois cents espèces pris différentes résines et des autres et les termites bien installé en forêt pris dans la savane dans des zones très humides.

Certaines espèces sont réputés pour leurs immenses fermes laitières en forme de cathédrale d'autres préfèrent installé dans les vitrines. Il indique que le nist derenne quasi nomade qui x régulièrement en territoire. Dans les forêts françaises les termites se font plutôt discrets vous ne risquez pas de rencontrer de grandes termitières qui sortent du sol non non que nous les termitières recule dans la terre et une vive dans le bois. Le bois c est à la fois leur maison et leur garde-manger puisqu ils trouvent de cellulose dont ils se nourrissent. L'ailleurs s'il n'y avait pas de permis et il y aurait beaucoup plus de bois mort dans cette forêt sous sommes d'excellents recycle lorsque leur rôle dans la nature qui induit une sage ami colin terminent vivent en société et très organisés ils ont même des rois et des reines.

Et contrairement aux apparences ce n'est pas la vie de château. Chaque termites lié au service de la communauté et la reine en particulier que heureusement quand du personnel celle qui n est tellement énorme qu elle est incapable de se déplacer à l est de vous très denses alors je les passe son temps à pondre des oeufs de paris uniques sont sont de confort de prisons de son roi en permanence à ses côtés. Histoire d'assurer le renouvellement des trains alors qui croissent ont à l'intérieur d'une termitières bien dans les sociétés les plus évoluées comme celle qui prospère en afrique on croiras d nord ceux qui transportent les yeux dans les chambres des éclosions.

On croise également des nourrices chargé d'alimenter les larves qui viennent de naître. Des maçons qui entretiennent les murs ou les repousses quand c'est nécessaire en quoi aussi. Fois des jardiniers en effet certaines espèces cultivent des champignons pour rendre la nourriture du bois en l occurence plus digeste et puis on croise aussi des termites chargé du ravitaillement lorsque ceux-ci prennent de gros risques en effet les autres objets de sorties à l'extérieur pour aller chercher la nourriture. Tâches incomberont pluvieuse individus en effet leterme et protège les plus jeunes cela dit les ravitailleurs ne sortent jamais seuls ils sont accompagnés de peu par des sonneries de kif et hongrie en règle générale la termitière est très bien protégé des camps entre sa proche nous fournit par exemple je. Les soldats passent à l'action.

Un g o brien jamie en lin soldats ici on n en connaît pas les hommes de tête orange et les mandibules beaucoup plus développée que les ouvriers et dans cet espace ils ne sont pas très nombreux ils représentent environ trois pourcent de la population et on peut presque dire que c est fait expr s car en effet le problème avec les soldats ce qu'ils sont complètement incapables de se nourrir tout seul donc sont les ouvriers qui les alimentent alors vous imaginez s ils étaient peu nombreux la société sera complètement déséquilibrée elle pourrait même disparaître. Curieux un. M hofer jamie coman fait de rennes pour avoir le nombre de soldats. Le congrès au cours.

Euros en non en fait chez certaines espèces les européens en particulier la reine ne compte que des identiques dont le sort que des larves d ouvriers eos signalent certains ouvriers se métamorphose en soldats alors que ce qui les met au parfum bien. Les termites émettent en permanence des ces robots des sortes dont deux meurent justement qui informent la colonie sur l'état des troupes ainsi. Les soldats les mettent en permanence des phéromones spécifique dont la concentration correspond au nombre de soldats disponibles.

Si des soldats périssent. Au cours de la bataille est bien la concentration phéromones militaires va diminuer. Le signal ou si tout. Des ouvriers sont engage entre e t deviennent. Militaires la concentration ferme militaire augmente et lorsqu elle a atteint le niveau requis et bien les ouvriers ceux de sont engagées peu. D ici. De l uci et les. Div pour qu'un simple. Ouvriers se métamorphose en folle d'un il devient alors beaucoup plus gros que les soldats qui ont une très grosse tête forfait arazi pour boucher les galeries.

D entre eux de mandibule lilly. Le premier est. Mais on n'est pas tous les derniers utilisent aussi des armées chimiques pour sa défense mais dans leur lettre les soldats en blanc en particulier qui est une plante qui va mettre. Les substances défensive des substances toxiques devenant en quelque sorte et qui sont extrêmement complexes du point de vue de leur nature chimique peut. D eux ces venin vous ont eux se voient ces coulées sur les mandibules d être appliqué sur le tégument des ennemis lors des combats ou bien alors ces substances ceux chimiques peuvent être projetés en l air par heure les formations particulières.

Sur la tête de thomas de tubes lanceurs qu'il comme par exemple une mesure qui permet que son. Termine bien connu dans les dom-tom et notamment de martine. Pour mission sales pas soyez sur vos gardes. La france et trente point. Guy parent démarrent ce. Sortir de ses yeux certaines vont devenir des nymphes mâle ou femelle future reproduit. Après une dernière gu s étirent dès l. Au volant. Dizaines de mètres. Fin de cette clique qui de fonder une nouvelle que le. Mais chez certaines espèces dont les rebelles en trouve des humains qui n'ont pas d'ailes celle-ci s southern van fondé une colonie annexe à côté de leur termitières d'origine. L humidité en mai son plan son sculpteur semble en bon pour nous reconnaît sepp blatter jeux en vingt ans dans un laboratoire du cern ras à l'université de dijon où les chercheurs étudient le langage des permis et bon. Je viens jean-yves jarry le.

Bien évidemment pour organiser la vie en société les termites ont besoin de se comprendre de communiquer et pour ça il n utilise pas de paroles comme nous mais toute une palette de molécules chimiques qui produisent et ce qu'on appelle les faits au moins nous les comprenons a préparé une petite expérience c est la mine pour se rendre à ras contenant un petit peu en quoi consiste cette expérience. J'ai dessiné avec un stylo sur la feuille de papier un point interrogations mais s'est ensuite par dessus j'ai déposé à ka seront de fait en piste entament en particulier qui s'appelle la vie éternelle s en est-il bien donner maurice greene vient de maurice et ses hommes ont retrouvé sur la piste voilà un an maintenant que. Je dépose le temps est aux débuts de pistes dans l'arène. Battant tranquillement. Il trouve le temps de se heurter à de. Et voilà que commence à suivre la piste de cet accent en plus. Interrogations que.

Et je vais maintenant que. Cet ouvrier de. Nantes et metz et le remplacer. Par l'ouvrier d'une autre espèce qui vient de mettre un x appellent macron ternissent non plus faut bien préciser cette avenue john shafer romain qui a été remplacé sur piste onze six heures. Un lisseur. Projet porte colin dont les pans de murs de forme des pistes spécifiques à chaque espace internet n'a encore. Éclair aura des supercars fred ebb pour percevoir les phéromones les termites utilisent leurs antennes. Grâce aux phéromones des épices un ouvrier peut indiquer à ses collègues où il a trouvé le nom étire ils ont ainsi toute une gamme de meskal.

Il y a également eu eux des phéromones d alarme. Il y a en danger. Obscénités d'une neuf termitières contiennent brèches dans le lignite. Y a des individus qui vont accourir à cette presse de les mettre sur mon particulier des soldats. De permettre. Deux recruter des congénères pour assister non plus aux individus.

Et pour défendre la colonie. Et en période de reproduction des femelles en tire les mal en limitant les phéromones fait. Tient ce langage si. Est le seul mode de communication d éternité. Dont neuf des sourds les phéromones leur permet aussi de se reconnaître entre membres de même que le dix. Celui qui n'a pas de bon de faire y est considéré comme un ennemi de l otan vont. Neuf parme bon être laid e vingt point. En. Points. Free n. Nantes. Cent vingt. À bord. Selon des. Jours mais le sur près. Cela est confus âgés d un et. De tirs ou régner tant misé. Faut pas déranger les quinze ont. Tout avance tout doucement car la moins trois villes. Peuvent se faire rob perez. Freud est un long tu fais les poubelles non. Six points des poubelles je e. Cinq élevages. Ici les termitières placés dans des grands bacs en plastique n est pas dans la nature. I i tu me faire pas.

Le temps où les soldats sont en train de donner l alerte. Une frappe mortelle contre le noir. La république sera. Regarde cette colonne avait été construite par des temps colons trouvent en afrique centrale qui. Fait. Un habitat. Et une rampe de lancement qui permet aux termites reproducteurs de sang volé pour aller fonder des colonies a un peu plus loin c est une star des remparts. Je ne m y. Ont des différentes. L idée c est de cet aéroport. Rien que de la terre et de la salive de termites c'est du costaud. Ache v ah bon et ces ides ennemies il les ont fait grandir peuvent atteindre des hauteurs impressionne. Moins d'une. C est le lieu. Colonies mais. Ou dans certains cas. Un garde-manger. Et pour diriger le chantier. Signe pas la russie. Les termites construisent des. D heure grâce à leur intelligence collective.

En guise de ciment ils utilisent principalement leurs familles. Mais certains s ff i ah sur le égyptiens ont. Des. Il leur faut plusieurs années et des milliers voire des millions d ouvriers. Écrire de tels monuments. Un mois que je me pose une question. Comment font ils pour respirer à l'intérieur de leur termitières. Ça doit être étouffant. Ce qui à part beaucoup de fenêtres à l envi les extérieurs une de métier se présente sous la forme d'un cours sur tous les édifices construits par les espèces afrique. A l intérieur la construction et des services par tout un réseau de galeries dont certaines longs les parois extérieures. Quand le vent souffle il dut être l'obstacle. La pression à ce niveau augmentent et bien. Une partie de leurs frais va réussir à franchir la paroi qui légèrement roux et son frère. Dans les yeux et le reste de l'air compte toujours nologue stack mais à cause de la courbure de l édifice. L accès. Petite parenthèse.

Quand le maire accélère une des pressions se forme à l'endroit où mille cinq. A. Voilà pourquoi les deux balles de ping-pong sera proche une de lautre en accélérant l'air c'est moins pression donc les deux balles sont attirés l'un vers l'autre et bien le même phénomène se produit. Ont toujours de la termitière. À cause de la courbure maire accélère il fait donc moins de pression sur les parois de pression à l intérieur de la termitière épouse important call extérieur l air vicié. Efface ces petites. Vers l extérieur voilà comment le maire est en permanence renouvelées à l'intérieur de la termitière. Et tu sais que nike un intérieur d une termitière la température est constante environ trente degrés et le taux d'humidité très élevés chartrand un vin dix pourcent est ailleurs dans les régions sages comme le sahel pour maintenir cette humidité et les termites sont capables d'aller plus long à cinquante mètres de profondeur. Et passeront en tailleur vert est aussi. C'est d'ailleurs comme ça qu'ils arrivent à construire leur termitières.

Dans le corps à la route du lac de lecce préfigurez ces petites bêtes améliore la qualité des sols dans les régions arides où elle simplement en effet les galeries qu'elle creuse à plus de cinquante mètres pour aller chercher de l'eau à ajouter à celles qui les zones autour de la termitière pour aller chercher de la nourriture permet de drainer et l'eau de pluie. Avant qu'elle ne s'est s'évapore et ainsi de conserver un peu d'humidité dans sauf pendant quelques mois du coup les régions arides oui il y a des termitières sont en général plus fertiles que celles où il n'y a pas termitières. Groupe pour eux les derniers sont si efficaces pour fertiliser le sol que dans certaines régions d afrique. Les vagues. Transferts pour améliorer leurs récoltes.

Ils vont faire des enfants avec de la paille et attendent que les termites construisent leur réseau de galeries sur l effet de mettre à la. Non seulement cela augmente le grand âge des cent mille organisée leur éjection sont des éléments nutritifs supplémentaires pour le plan. Cette technique est aussi efficace que les engrais chimiques n'est pas le bon plus écologique. Et. Le problème c'est que les termites ne se contentent pas de rester dans les forêts ils ont une légère tendance à envahir les maisons dans les villes et dans les villages et on ne les voit pas toujours venir pas facile de les repérer selon moi.

Il y a en général ils arrivent par le sol sous la maison et ensuite elle part emprunter les canalisations ont plus souvent les fils électriques. Berlin. Unis nous creusons aussi des galeries qui le recouvrant de la tête c est en véritable tunnel à l'intérieur des murs de. En tout cas lorsqu ils sont là ils dévorent plus et en noir du sol au plafond et avec cet appareil qui est une sorte de stéthoscope on peut même les entendre travailler. Écouter sa.

Ca grignote les ombres. Veut dire ni. Je m'en prends plein les rues et avenues de rouvrir le. De forêts pour la porte à côté. Les achats en commandes ses mains ils effectuent des vols d'une trentaine de mètres non pas par les verts qui sont arrivés non ils sont venus par la route. Avons peu de raisons ni à pied dans un pacte mais non en plus en vain en camion en effet en transportant du bois de chauffage ou de la terre il arrive que l'homme déplace déterminés. Fois en ville ces insectes trouvent dans les maisons les conditions idéales pour se développer température hygrométrie et même de nourriture et risques en dit y a du bois et à manger. Bizarre ton histoire ça voudrait dire que le pic de la colonie a été transporté avec le roi et la reine. Et non pour fonder une nouvelle colonie par besoin de déplacer le roi. Laissant quelques centaines d ouvriers suffisent parmi eux qui il y a des mâles et des femelles mais uniquement de l art. Jusqu à présent à part leur voire l arène l ermite n'a atteint le stade adulte il ne peut se reproduire. Le phénomène est dû à des phéromones émise par le couple royal qui bloque une évolution qui les ouvriers.

Seulement en. Le roi et la reine les rares les phéromones ne sont plus ennemis du coup les ouvriers reprennent leur révolution ils deviennent adultes et là ils peuvent se reproduire qu'il font et feront de nouvelles colonies est bien à cause de ce phénomène les termites. Ils sont restés pendant des années dans le sud de la france sont désormais implantés. Dans cinq ans quand sept départements essentiellement dans les villes car dans la nature que les conditions ne sont pas toujours réunies et quand ils attaquent une maison c'est parfois plus d'un million de terni qui s estimant que tout ce qui est en fait le blues est pour trouver de la nourriture ils peuvent même traversé des parois en ciment en quelques années ils risquent de menacer la structure du bâtiment.

Des comptes soupçonne la présence de thermiques vont faire appel à un expert. Une expertise par leterme avant consistait à faire la recherche neuf d'éléments de présence de termites en. Dans un bâtiment pour ce peut être des signes visuels notamment les plus flagrants ce sont les coordonnées dans les galeries de tunnel dans le cas de chlamydia cheminées pourtant après la lumière. Dans les andes et plâtre va trouver parfois on appelle faussement les puits d'aération. Reconnais vos déboires le repère le repérage est à peu près le même que sur les maçonneries d'une période régulière se fasse. Si les boîtes sont très secs c est l autre repère visuel va être un affaissement d'etat surface du arabe dégradations causées par les termites intériorise.

Mais nous ne sommes pas les plus à plaindre dans certaines régions très sourd comme en floride aux États-unis ont interdit son beaucoup plus voraces. Un. Buts. Pas pour les passes étaient belles clamait encore. Défendre. Regard jamileh dégâts. Dans cette école les termites sont en train de dévorer le parquet veut quand même pas laisser faire ça on a installé des pièges. Des boîtes dans lesquelles on a mis des rouleaux de cellulose savez les tam-tams beaucoup de cellulose seulement de la cellulose et empoisonné. A ces dix sites d eux et voilà le résultat on ne e d un. Je la miction. Escaliers. Ce paiement est regardant de poitrine jamais nous devons. En voilà.

Quand un ami son pas manque d armida de gauche de toutes. Exempt avc normal jamie explique lui. C'est une heureuse vous allez comprendre qu'une manière général à l intérieur d une colonie la plus part des termites ne mettent jamais le nez dehors à commencer par le couple royal. Se nourrir que tout ce petit monde se fait donc servir de ravitailleurs storm dans leur jabot de nourriture qui vont chercher à l extérieur. De retour à la maison ils régurgitent nourriture taylor râleur congénères dans une sorte de bouche à bouche en appel de trente salafistes. Revenons maintenant à notre poison n ont permis de repêcher. Si le poison foudroyant sur le champ le thermique kg consomment et vient. Sol les ravitailleurs seraient éliminés les autres termites montrerait jamais en contact avec le poids. Etant donné que. Poison a un effet retardé et bien il va pouvoir agir sur le ravitailleur alors que la nourriture est donc le poison. Est passé de.

Dans d autres bougent de cette manière que. Toute la colonie va être infestés par le poison. D'accord je abîmait comment ils agissent et insecticides est bien en cours de son existence le termite change plusieurs fois de peau de testicules pour être très précis il s'agit en fait d'un squelette extérieur très durs. On dit que le termite mais que bien après avoir absorbé le poison il est venu à nouveau comme il le fait en temps normal seulement sous l'ancienne cuticules. Il n'ira pas nouvelle est le termite finit tout. C'est dur. Points d intermittent uni et il faut frapper fort on utilise les grands moyens en appel sans la barrière cynique. Ont fait des trous dans les poutres on fait des trous dans les murs et à l'intérieur on injecte le.

Des litres et des litres d insecticide et ça se peut vous dire que c est plus. Sur le coup un le seul problème c'est qu'avec son élimine pas le reste de la colonie qui se cache une perte et qui risque d'aller chez le voisin n'a pas douloureux que chacun pour soi un. Son fils paul. Je démens tout à fait efficaces en une semaine de travail la technique de la barrière chimique élimine tous les services sont dans les bâtiments ni que d autres reviennent en fait trop dans les principaux murs et les poutres bon ansett environ entre de produit partout.

Un de ces techniques de pouvoir en pour avantage de protéger pendant un certain nombre d'années le bâtiment à colonnes contraignant de nécessiter un grand nom de l intervention de dégâts dans le bâti. La deuxième technique c'est la technique piège. Kiel permet d'éliminer les colonies thermique sans pratiquement faire de dégât dans le bâti. Sans limiter son inconvénient c est qu eux napa protection ou dans le temps. X nécessite donc a suivi continuel pour pouvoir agir six nouvelles colonies termites attaquaient à nouveau le bâtiment.

Dans les canaries où il est possible de protéger une maison avance sa construction en posant un film plastique imprégnées d'insecticide. Des. Des fleurs ou une. En parler nous déterminerons. Son. Plus de viande de moutons on. Entendre que son. Eux en sont. Un.

Croix rouge dorment et son mon nom je vais bien je vais. Projet de fusion le verre en bois. Je n. Un. Dans. Un. Ne. Un. Douze. Un. Est. Un. Un.

Celebrity Noses Termites!

Now got view regular viewers of the show will know that we we gonna segments the we've tried to do on the show.

Celebrity Noses Termites

Many many times before and for one reason or another something's happened we've never quite been able to put it off have we I I need to balance because interface so much heights. And pain and confusion. How in the world right now I don't think I'm being unreasonable when I say I mean they said the second this next segment is so good. When the world gets to see it.

The healing can begin. Now we tried to do with that since the possible how we read you had some slip ups but we are determined to get this right we really really all we were Hey all night last night rehearsing it and rehearse it because we believe is the best thing in like 99 mistakes right guys no mistakes okay I think. You'll know what I'm gonna say I'm gunna said I spent a good time you spent a good time is John Paul said never.

With some of the most celebrated the knob is with the story what's going on. What's going on. Exterminate. What's. Exterminators. It's still my book. What's going on. Exterminators. What they doing here. Exterminating. He's here why why are we going stamina exist here. Termites. My. This is not the time to be spraying for termites. I disagree you gotta catch em Israelis you can write. Please we would try to make a TV show here right now this is 200 people in the studio. All I hope yeah now it's non toxic you're outside.

No need to worry what with them while you were in malls. We don't trust. You see what you're doing I really really do you call to god you have to leave you gonna go come back another time would just leave now will be done in a full 2 minutes okay get out of here please thank you. Right company even though Thomas right sorry when we'll be right okay and. Done right so with that I spent a good time you spent a good time his son Paul said.

Where's the music what's going on whether the theme song Aguirre left so we we don't play without it. Who was the goal the said that his pet termites got loose and go find the. It's not mine. Who has strong points. Now it is a given to him. What. Emotional support. I'm sorry emotional support. To take needs emotional support drama you'll find whatever we will we will we what we're gonna do they someone doing that was to get the song give the theme song I don't have anything else about 10 months ago you understand not another word now it's not a good time is really good okay not only that they also.

Yeah you. I think it's the top might. Do you think that's what it is. The desk is. Yes I think it's the time to do these days wanted Johnson don't do don't we are doing in the world needs to see this attack. The ship may be thinking. This is the most celebrated. Yeah. The place is crawling with termites if you're out there and they could be everywhere would basically sits on a good ticking time bomb the roof became better than the male.

So what is. I'm doing okay. It's now. Season from you from the time I think it's time to bring the old synopses of nose is not every knows he's created in cool water. The commercial.

Doing this would go out of time. Only.

Caring for Termites

Hi my name is Bella Fords national science show you how to take care of sermons today.

Caring for Termites

First of all we recommend that you keep your termites and sometime Tupperware you always want to keep a lid on yours or mine because you don't want them to escape and should never under any circumstances can you released her myself awhile. We use about a shoebox sized Tupperware. And caught the 2 by 4 section out of the way.

However the inside of the live with us fine match for clock fabric but not he was hauling because the termites can you do that. So after you have chosen your home furniture mice during doubt cover bottom line for me. Just remain away from us or attain it from your local gardening. We need a book about it interests all covering on the bottom. And then you're gonna scream best well with water termites need humidity. And having a lid on top will help keep you should write about at least once a day.

Next termites need one to let them go out and find peace in what what area around you would you recommend that first you put in the freezer overnight so that anything that invasive that might be in the one who will die overnight and then let the would fall before offering your termites.

When you receive your might still coming up I like best. Never had. And they come in 8. And a little cardboard to. Matt see them first they're hiding inside of the cardboard on little cardboard and pulled apart. Yeah you try it and then later we don't recommend that you leave the cardboard and along with that in the long run.

So you're just not come off into their new habitat and they'll be happy there. So they will either what ever cardboard inside there tank and you don't need to do anything other than straight out after that. Your mind if you notice any mold or fungus growing on the ward that you remove it immediately take the termites out and put them back in the tank and find a new piece of what.

And that's everything.

Can You Find Termites In New Lumber - Home Building

You are probably not going to believe what you're looking at here but they're actually termites and they fell out of a. New. Bundle. 

Can You Find Termites In New Lumber - Home Building

Of 2 by fours that we're going to use on the house that we're working on this is a newer house we tore down an old one and we're rebuilding. A nother one now you wouldn't expect termites be into lumber but I'm here to tell you that I have seen plenty of them. 

Coming out a brand new boards right from the lumber mill saw that talking about lumber that's 10 years old or 20 years old I'm talking about lumber that's right out of the males they cut these trees down the trees have termites NM and guess what the termites are on their way to your job site hopefully you do not have the queen in any of these boards but they're definitely not a good. Sign. I wanted to provide you with a nother view of the termites give you a close up here just in case they look like little specks on the plywood now making this whole thing up but you can talk to almost any. 

Construction worker framing carpenter who's been in the business for over 10 years and you're probably going to hear the same thing one time I was cutting a bunch of stairs trainers and these **** were flying at me I thought it was going to have to get a face mask they were coming out of the lumber pile so fast I mean I can't tell you how many of them got the way while I was cutting the stair stringers I mean it was annoying and the first time I encountered this it was more of a something you just wouldn't expect like I said earlier on the video you expect termites in older buildings maybe a few fence posts in your backyard but you don't expect them and brand new lumber but. 

I'm here to tell you like already mentioned earlier in the video there's the proof I've seen it before and I'm sure that I will see it again so be warned next time you order some lumber you just might have a few friends that you really didn't want to invite over to your house. 

Burns and Allen The Termites

Just to talk like to talk. You know honey these interiors by Michael Rockford are just beautiful all we have some wonderful ideas yes I know.

Burns and Allen The Termites

To redecorate my bedroom here everybody says that Michael rock like is the best interior decorator in Beverly hills yeah but he's very expensive do you think George alike to spend all that money all judges and I can't how much I stand as long as you guys know I'm spending. But.

So when you redecorate the bedroom when he find out at can you get him out of the house for a couple of days Ballaugh worry about that later here Mister little be here in a few minutes and I'm worried about getting judge out of the bedroom now. That is a problem. As a beautiful evening. If they could get the rest of the day.

Why don't you go out and get a good look at the new game as soon as I finish this murder mystery aboard it's very exciting I can't put it down. I did have to use a nice big so you can put it down. Thanks. Can I put it.

George gets out in time you know if he barges in and sees Mister Rockford how would you explain him well I'll just say he's my husband there's no other way to explain judge even to my own. But now we can do a lot of no. Something before I get to the dog. Open. I. This is my friend advice more of for them who are black.

Well maybe we should explain this drug could you see Mrs Barnes does minor husband to know she's redecorating the bedroom she wanted to be a surprise for him for is it in the bedroom is how this is difficult ABC honest take a look to see how much I can salvage all well we can say practically all of it. I would like to. He he he names the bedroom all well in fact looked as good as judge I wouldn't have done all that I think stand anyway I've sketched out some ideas which may suggest color harmonies material on tonight company only yes branch but missed about that all that this is my husband. The branch I asked IBM.

I heard you come in. You must of snake that. For the fall out famous explorer and that he's given elected not to. Right. I wonder what election about restaurants. Well the bands of. Me. And then blames. With the like. The Amazon with gun in camera. And can all and Mr act they don't forget about the Amazon is a river. So you bring up the Amazon. Yes but never this far out. Myself. Nice. Reminds.

About to turn on my television set. But to see how far up the Amazon only. Get him away from the house so we won't be able to indicate mark. Long will take you to completely re finish and redecorate my bedroom on the 2 days well I'll call you the moment I cannot in the house alright Mrs burns now let's look at the bedroom. Gracie hide a decorator again. Look fellas just alright Babbitt night for the show but for my monologue I'd like a little more light. Gracie hide a decorator again Gracie she won't put a hook in the closet unless she brings in an expensive decorated teller of the hopeful look good on her raincoat.

When we built this Dan she brought one and then set the decorated this is my husband's room and I want you to furnish it to match his personality she came over studied me for a few hours and told me what he was going to do when I got rid of. I think I'd be comfortable sitting on the floor next year all. And I bought the television set of mind that says quite a gimmick. 27 inch KO. Indoor television sets a quite the playing. They've been stole some of them in fact freeze already. Bosch's systems offers looks on the television screen sees which workers doing the most work and those are the ones you buy it. If you work hard you you you get tired and they align show on your face you don't photograph well in.

Wants to look at a bad picture and television screen. Yeah quite tricky. I know I know one boss was stalled when secretly he did know that this work is no he was watching. But he got a little suspicious when they came to work every morning wearing Max practice pancake makeup. Do you realize that these indoor television sets could have changed the course of history. Take Julius Caesar. If he'd been able to tune in now what rotors and the other boys were planning for the I slept much. He could have worn one of his old sheets we would not get how many holes that button. It would've been great for George Washington too could have kept tabs on the British Army in and he wouldn't have to spend that miserable when Ted Valley Forge.

Too bad it didn't happen that way out of his soldiers got frostbite. That my ankle still bothers me now. Okay boys you can make at night again. I just want to do it. Still shades of green bay organized they need to let me know just what you can get Mister burns out the house for 2 days. In 19. He never had a band that loves to go duck hunting he's always asking judge to go along yeah well I'll call Harry and telling judge left to go. Well George go with him del Valle. A sound that problem. Trouble solving this one. Surprise to you you know.

That could be useful if any of the money no doubt about that go see what. Might be a trick. Might be some kidnappers to some robbers. I'm your father I better go she orders okay death. My son you know to go with me. I'm always the shady all in the morning. We have imia taking such big steps lawn not dead issues that you're not taking any anybody give me a push I can get started. Good morning George. Good morning. I'm having the same dream. Just as I can handle this without you please don't let me see make his entrance. Yeah. George got out of the tricks and let's get going it's a perfect morning

Why should rest. On the lake in the weather is just cold enough and we can bank abrasive. We're going to go to bed. The Bob Dougherty. 5. Only really focus member when I faced on the down side then you will find. What's your new plan to get your your way all well has run the and have an idea then waking I'd write in the living room now house looks like it's full of termites yeah yeah when judge sees that I'll ask them to take me to palm springs for a couple of days while we get rid of them. See. Gaining all even a better idea. It is. Judge wouldn't think of staying in the house while 10 nights fumigated yeah well. I can help. I'll tell Harry that your health is full of them you know what a big mouth yeah and he'll tell George about it do all well that will help that he's the judge already knows Harry has a big mouth.

Well we're all set up. We did this at the fraternity want to observe. Well we get carries a lot about the one my watch money you have the time all sure it's got the time people around me. Bye bye. You should. Yeah sure Mrs burns all the controls on the cushion of the couch that there are 4 buttons just pushing one at a time and Mister burns of the termites are tearing the place apart. I'm going to try. You know with my mother and father going to palm springs will have the whole house to ourselves we have a ball tonight I call Milutin Joyce only kids estate they'll be here in a wonderful I'll take you to record the record player and I'll take care of the girls and about a 3 all star certain sandwiches I'll take care of the girls and then we'll start dancing that's when I lose the girls.

What if your dad gets wants to mother stricken doesn't go all there's nothing to worry about that always gets wise but he always goes. Waking up flushed a few buttons and it's wonderful to see the way the pictures in the printed just got the job that I was scared that day if there are any time I can also scanned them to. It sure would like you know it seems a shame to frighten just when they feel negating. He went out and I have a wonderful time in palm springs and the rest of the dead good landlady still nice of you and Ralph to do this for me just so I can we decorate our bedroom how we're glad to do it Mrs burns we just want to be helpful. Anything I can do for you boys all know normally don't expect anything in return you know we're always on your side cluster sure running I just gonna sit home tonight in the study.

Hello to this restaurant. Judge bangs we use handle the next family just for a party of about. 12 kids. 1414. From the mother you're a doll. 12. But the most expensive decorating a town he can certainly afford to buy you a few sandwiches right right. And a single couple may continue in this fashion for 10 years he asked a single couple can do that much what happens with the married ones. Coming. Views that you associate with Gracie has affected your mental processes. Getting home however I'm not proud of the way I came by my knowledge. I must confess that in my youth my tastes ran to the race here more risque type of literature. Okay mall or more.

And there was a book of 200 pages which described and illustrated the most intimate habits of the common term might. Is banned in Boston. I read. Do you really live. To be served plays of soup in this house. Me a Cup of coffee and then when you go to see George by most certainly will. Why why do we have to talk in the living room why couldn't we talk in the den will because we didn't have enough life. What do women set.

Whoa cried you gave me a choice. What we want to talk about well and I think you're very clever away you can make a lot of money out. Placed in how. If you read last night he would make a wonderful movie. Would you produce it. You think I ought to get to play the lead in the smoke. Just think about it at let's not talk but just think. How about Clark Gable. Let's think of somebody else and this time let's look around the room I went thinking. Spencer Tracy or to be good. They say. It says you high cal. For you to. George my properties in jeopardy it is I have just learned that your house is being devoured by hordes of a racist termites. Sit on our right. I think my house is full of term. We would start a rumor like that. People who start rumors like that. So Harry go home your property is safe.

They're looking your very foundation well maybe I have a few termites our call the exterminator get rid of them. Now the governor over help yourself to signup. Thank you again. What's the. Socialist food food down. The time that I'm putting out the termites are really bad instead of ours. So you've got the food from chase until tomorrow. I like to go to palm springs for a couple of days while we get rid of these time all that would be wonderful and why were there why don't you get that explore a Mister Rockford to redecorate the bedroom. I don't know how we got here but you. How would you like to have the Morton's go with this will kind of love that that you know Harry he'll say it's too expensive when you go over and get the mortgage on the house for a few minutes let me talk to these electricians all. Boy you got your tools to set up.

Going to palm springs for a couple of days would you like to go. Too expensive you. We're going to stop at the rank and club for about 2 days until we get rid of the termites. Join us fortunately we have no termites while they are on. We have a lot of. Well Gracie shall we open the your family album again all you have to talk about my cousin Robert Mallon who used to steal from the rich and give it to the fall was so wonderful San Francisco Robin Hood yeah he wasn't too successful you see every can rob the rich man he took the money down to the pool of part of town and. Give it to anybody somebody always real lessons rob and Ellen sounds like a bright boy what kind of stuff that he steals all all kinds they put him in jail for everything was. No one can tell.

He got away with over $200 worth of groceries that he gave to the poor but they cut in half hour meeting how come he went back to get a parking ticket validated he had it coming to him so we got. And one was picking pockets at the railroad station and he slipped his hand into the pocket of a very rich man who was going to Chicago yeah it turned out to be in every town pocket and that cousin robin had a very large hands so this large and got stuck in this tight pockets well what did he do willow what could he do he bought a ticket and got on the train with him and he went all the way to Chicago with his hand in this man's pocket no.

Lucky break you see the man and asked to go to bed I'm cousin robin and the man's pants got off in Albuquerque. But he was anxious to get back home so he went up to the nearest policeman and he said 8 years back the latest census gun pointed with the hand of the branch. I am back in jail. And when he came out to go straight yeah state the state cracking.

She looked at that. It was a big match and you know I'm not here and it has a full of money and then he read some place to open the safe a burglar always sandpaper his fingertips down to where the skin was fairly sensitive I read that too that's true and what happened when he. Well well you see when he touched the dial with those 1015 to 10 yeah it hurts so much that he screen. 5 more years and 30 days. And by the day yeah but disturbing the peace to. Gracie.

I know how we always got into jail but how did he always get out well he was a great out of great articles should when it really a good honest. Whenever you wanted to escape he painted a picture of unopened on the prison wall and and while the guys were trying to close it robin walked. On tonight's show where Frank Wilcox says Michael rock and Bobby Ellis as rob.

Biol211 Termite Dissection

Hi folks number of mustard when the lab instructors for biology 211 year cal state and getting ready to do a termite dissection Capulet coda get my nitrile disposable gloves and also doubt my own pair of safety glasses and closed toed shoes as always here in the lab so let's get started.

Biol211 Termite Dissection

Okay so the preferred term my dissection is really pretty straight forward. I've got just a kimwipe tissue laid out on the bench top here don't need a big dissection painfully slow termites over here on the side I've got just a plain glass microscope slide and that's what role.

Prep the termite got on top of to do our view into the microscope. Some of the dust up there. Also got a couple pairs of forceps here in the 2 pairs of 4 sets will let me grass the microscope at the container that we receive from the biological supply house lots of live termites and kind of smear the got around inside there are there are fluid to to do the prep.

So here are live microscopes that receive just recently from the biological supply house. And pull the lid off of here we see that there's a paper towel inside in this paper towel has a little bit of moisture. It's of some water to the termites so I peek underneath gonna termite hunts and sooner or later and see things like clumps of would under here embassy lots of sawdust the termites themselves produce lots of termites wiggling around underneath and I don't need to get.

A super huge one but these girls are actually pretty juicy and yes they are all female so here's my termites and I'll see if I can get it against the black at the bench top the black slate put the lid back on set that aside able wanting a really need to do first I'm gonna put a drop of moisture on this microscope slide to make sure that I prevent microbes inside this termite got from being exposed to oxygen without much oxygen in a termite got just like with hours in the gym in excess can actually be toxic.

Okay madam for many here sorry about this but it's for science in the gonna go ahead and grab the back of your abdomen the end of your after than just hold a soft at the tissue and I wanna make sure I got your intestines. So I'm just going to smear the surrounding here and see.

Get this all nicely distributed a get the inside of her intestine all Shamir around inside this a drop of water D. I. water and putting on top of this microscope slide and when you get all the microbiota out in into that mixed but now I've also gonna get this clump of stuff for all the access to shoot out of the way because it would be it would interfere with my view into the microscope and also would separate the cover slip too much too much of space underneath.

Okay so now there's my prep and then head for the microscope and see what they got here. When we're done with this thing by the way let's go ahead and get this piece of Kim white tissue with overture my guts on there that goes into the drive by always contain or the big red plastic bin.

And also our tools section tools are 2 pairs of forceps get rinsed off with TI water and brought right back here to the station.

Bayer Advanced Termite & Carpenter Bee Foam

Get more from the blue bottle with their advanced her mind carpenter bee killer plus phone.

Bayer Advanced Termite & Carpenter Bee Foam

This innovative phone expanded a 30 to one ratio. Thirdly cover hard to reach areas and kill listed wood damaging insects. It's ideal for carpenter bees and termites especially the termite you can't see because the phone expands to fill cracks and serpentine tongue.

Don't miss your chance to get more from the blue bottle.

New Termidor HP High Precision Injection System for termites

Termites are a major problem causing up to $5000000000 in damage annually there literally eating away at your biggest invest in usually homeowner's insurance won't cover any of it so when your home is facing the worst you want to be conference is protected by the best in the past getting the best treatment trenches for trenching and rod which is digging a 6 inch by 6 inch trench around your home and spring they try to sell it to death.

New Termidor HP High Precision Injection System for termites

This process is disrupted. And can cause unsightly damage to your landscape. There's a new option introducing the term the door H. P. high precision injection system. To better protect your home. HP. System you. Revolutionary.

Uniformly target primary termite. With each injection. The terminal each piece system. Also. The door each piece applications. Virtual. On to stir. Under most. Injecting the term out of sight. This eliminates the.

Addition to a more uniform treatment and less disruption determined or HP system also offers more precision and uses much less water the injection system is equipped with a digital on board computer that prevents the over or under usage of tremendous by providing treatment readings accurate to a tenth of an ounce so the success of your treatment is no longer reliant on the mixing accuracy of the operator instead determined or HP application unit mixes the term out of sight and water on board. Providing an exact finish dilution for the treatment of your.

So with the terminal or HP system. You get a more uniform treatment with less disruption and greater accuracy all this backed by the strength and reliability you. Expect from the entire. Family. Means you can stay.

Determined. For H. P. injections. Precision less disruption.

Applying Termite Granules

I am here to talk to you a little bit about termite control and in particular preventing your house from termites in a very simple manner.

Applying Termite Granules

What I have here is a typical house that has some shrubbery right against the house itself which happens to be a very popular place for termites using this product I have in my hand here which is a small granular product I can literally apply this around the surface of my home in a very simple manner a really great feature about this product is that the termites actually walk across the chemical carry it back to the nest and that's how it around a case the colony very simply let me show you how literally I'm just shaking a ban.

Of the chemical. In about a 6 inch with the 12 inch with. Along the base of the house and then what I'll do is I'll follow up in water the chemicals in. To activate the ingredients and what this will do is essentially prevent termites.

Subterranean termites desert subterranean termites from damaging our house for up to 2 years in this country about 2000 square foot home for about $10 per year.

Ants vs Termites - Do Ants Keep Termites away

Hi jump on the Democrat is here again one of the questions that are commonly get is can one Anson black hands leave together see most people say to me well of call blocking Sarandon.

Ants vs Termites - Do Ants Keep Termites away

I'm wouldn't have any white ants and bearing in mind that wanted some blankets are 2 completely different families that one in school termites as we know them well they don't really answer dole and it is commonly 9 it is true that the black hands are I predator of termites but the reality is that they're not going to read it had a colony more often than not whenever do inspections especially when it comes to things like landscaping team is if you've got time to sleep is lying around other bits of wood lying many gotten even a tree stump it's not uncommon for me to see normal ants and termites living in it together will often they just too busy doing their own thing it is like people in a way sometimes we just get distracted with or I think when a reward out what the next person's doing the other factors to consider.

So often what we'll see is that if there is conflict between the 10 months in the ants it's actually something that's minimal and localized as you can see here there many ants running around and you can look in the background 10 months trying to find out what happened will it was me that actually happened all I was doing an inspection looking for so much in a piece of timber and I found that they were both termites and ants this little post now as you can see the 10 months of trying to re establish a close might choose the ants have had a bit of a falling out with all the young Lama and so forth it also trying to deal with that situation.

One line to the ants in the termites on warring each other and this is all from what I've found time and again yes there's that one as he determines that's cupping a flogging from that hands but the reality is that the majority of them are just trying to reestablish order when it comes to the normal daily operations and so this is something that we've found very often when it comes to doing time on inspections term odds and ends will often be living in the same piece of timber together and I on bothered with each other because they're not the primary targets they're more interested in keeping the urn colonies established and making sure that the colonies site.

Termite colonies can be incredibly latch and we think of that piece of temporal or that particular stump the recording I gotten that might have too much some black ants in it will the actual termite colony could be much bigger than the few 10 months that are running around in that log for instance termite colonies can go from 0.5000000 to 1000010 months strong for really be colony thinking about that if there is say for instance a few aunts that ate a few termites even if that were to really go all out and say they 20000 termites in the colony that 500000 to 1000000 strong what we leave that percentage wise not very bigger role and.

Termites aren't particularly sensitive when it comes to the loss of some of the knights of the family members remember the most important thing for termite colony is that the whole colony survives so what does that mean it means if they lose 20000 termites so what they got another 0.5000000 they're not particularly emotional when it comes to that the most important thing is that the colonies of oz which means that they will send 20000 termites to the death if it means that the rest of the colonies gonna get enough food to keep that in mind when you're dealing with termites and this is a really important part when it comes to termite treatments just because of the future wanting one particular location doesn't mean that you're able to wipe out whole colony without doing a proper treatment if you grab a camouflage spray or something else you trade a few termites you only gonna kill those few there's a whole colony somewhere else somewhere in your wool somewhere in a tree stump maybe in the neighbor's yard you don't see that you don't know why with the rest of the colonies living that's why it's really important that treatments be done properly on John from the time I track is thanks for reading.

Ants vs Termites BATTLE

When ends meet tonight it's the walls of the jewels.

Ants vs Termites BATTLE

A swarm of ants could destroy termite colony. The ants find a way into the right. Distance from the film tonight at the insects. One.

Tonight is bigger than the end of it first seems to have the upper hand. But the answer much more aggressive and reinforcements are arriving all the time.

The worst of all possible outcomes the queen herself is under attack soon formed by CS warming and. Some remaining tonight battles but without that cleans the colony maybe is good and that.

The dead queen is a massive price a huge source of fat and protein for the ends.

Ants rescue injured comrades from termite battles

No blood left behind is the model of this ant species found in the southern regions of Africa.

Ants rescue injured comrades from termite battles

When the ants hunt termites a risky pray the colony sticks together marching into battle in columns and making sure even injured amps make it back large ants called majors break up the soil around termite nest during a raid.

Well smaller minor ants slip through the cracks to extract their meal. Soldier termites fight back ants lose limbs an antenna in the scuffle. After the fight the else lined up to go home carrying termite carcasses along for a post battle feast.

When predators like spiders see injured and struggling home they know they're in for an easy snack so major stick around after the fight tracking the scent of a fair amount that signals injury when an injured and has found the major grabs the fallen soldier in its mandibles in Kerry's at home to recover safely in the nass.

See what became of those injured ants researchers created laboratory nests and hunting grounds and mark the injured with page 95 percent of those hurt him marched alongside their brethren on future rate.

The number of ants rescued each day is about the same as daily at birth meeting rescues help the colony stay strong and prepared to fight another day.

Anti Termite Treatment

Do much damage and weaken the wooden elements of the building which would necessitate expensive repairs hands NT to my treatment can be done for buildings under construction as well as existing buildings.

Anti Termite Treatment

This post helps you understand the method of carrying out anti termite treatment for the building which is under construction. It consists of treating the soil with approved chemical from foundation to plant level including Clint filling.

Chemical emulsion should have to be applied uniformly without leaving any gaps. Treat the sides and bottom surface of the foundation trenches and meets with anti termite chemical to a height of about 30 centimeters at the rate of 5 lit up a square meter of surface area.

The earth on either side of the world should be refilled and the treatment shall be carried out for a week and dept of 30 centimeters and 45 centimeter respectively using 5 liters of emotion plus square meter.

The chemical tell be diverted to what's the masonry or concrete surfaces so that both in contact with the surfaces is well treated with the chemical. Before leaving the floor treat the top surface of the consolidated both within the plant with chemical at the rate of 5 liter per square meter.

And he took my treatment being a specialized jobs should be executed by a specialized agency which has sufficient experience of carrying out similar works.

Termites popularly known as white tents either way would other cellulose materials and damaged the would work as well as furnishings of the building anti tell my treatment prevents the entry of termites into the building cash shall be taken right from the initial stages of the construction to safeguard against anti tell might attack rather than treating after the attack.

Chemical barrier provided shall be continuous and complete.

Anti Termite Treatment Demo by Varna Pest Control, Bangalore

Yeah I'm going to show you how to tie my treatment for the building reconstruction post construction now we have common to both construction when the wall the plan Dalia.

Anti Termite Treatment Demo by Varna Pest Control, Bangalore

Blended he has ever been. Then 1 feet to 1 feet and the depth the 1 feet with just the live and Phillip chemically and we've seen it back though my treatment would infect your wouldn't look so realistic it off digging up Linda area into consideration we never do 151 feet and that the 1 feet high with you showing it to 1.

It goes on like this for all you know Lindy the. And even we could do was exactly old so. So one feed your soul the production will be more.

This agreement will Lebanon cement floor Mobley was like any of that condemned we never that's the oath well the chemical inside. In all the old.

We do a lot. It should be more than I awfully tough. They need to use chemical.

Ant Wars - Ants Battle Termites

The entire army is mobilizing. Right party is heading down to the last place they found. Down through the wind turbines.

Ant Wars - Ants Battle Termites

The very least take and is leading them straight towards the termite mound itself. Hanson termites have been fed the salaries for over 100000000 years. Now their armies of today are on a collision course. But without any physical contact the blind armies is unaware of the termites ahead as the termites or. It's.

They begin to swarm over the outside of the termite taller. That for the moment appeared to them to be just mounds of dried mud. Guards are posting while others explore every crevice for any sign of food. First contact VS no there's something here. And change direction towards the alarm signal they mass around the guards alert for any unpleasant surprises.

This is by no territory. Anything could be lying in wait down there. And. A worker gingerly explores the gaping hole and the scouting party lays a century over for others to follow. That. And assault is on. Other rants have found the termites 14 times scramble inside the tunnels are now and not at all like the open space drive for.

Termites Norma straws and heads. Check the inclusion. A soldier termite confronts the invaders with a threat display. But it's not going to press drive. The next. And the rest is intensified. First blood is to the termites. But the bars are in danger of being over run. Next term. The entire time she must. So term might start to isolate her from the fighting by building a wall of mud mixed with saliva party like concrete.

There's not much time. Yes break through the first line of defense. All is almost complete. See in the wild quarry are incarcerated. Let's say. Another wave of Vance advances on challenge. The attack is not going to plant. In the tunnels the ends become embroiled in one to one tools. Job to job is at a stalemate ants and termites. Lisa price.

The adversaries are well matched. The hands are pulling out and. There are many will have to look elsewhere. Not all were going home. Those who can move out do so. The termite mound has defeated that. They must find food in another part of the forest. For the. A big change is inevitable. The queen makes ready for a journey.

The lower ranks gather up all the law office and the nursery and move them to the nest entrance.

Amazing World of a Termite

Termites social insects working together to form a characteristic site seen all over the bush.

Amazing World of a Termite

That's a termite manned actually to take of the iceberg termite city extends way beyond that on the grand and its function is fascinating essentially an act condition in system what it does is maintain very specific conditions inside the mind the conditions of the rain forest.

When the termites first colonized the Savannah some 30000000 years ago they brought the rain forest with them to support a form of life that was already wonderfully adapted to living off dad would.

This is what these turn my mind's role of adults who see those structures that those white honeycomb like structures there's a cold fungal combs there would pull and possibly bits of dead grass of the termites bring in a building to that structure and the reason the conditions have to be the same as the rain forest is because they grow a particular genus of fungus called to me to my sis around those whom the cones.

The job done fungus is to break down the lignin cellulase inside the wood and converts into form termites can eat which actually you can see that the little white no jewels just present on the honeycomb structure.

The termites lack the enzymes to break down the wood efficiently. So they've become famous tending to one giant social stomach. Same as a very intense relationship between the termites in the fungus you don't find that fungus anywhere else I actually in the world as far as we know other than inside semi man's.

I stole that looks and 90 percent of the common looks up in lignin in this part of Africa he's released back into the food chain again solely by those termites and that fungus.

Altriset - how to foam live termites?

Today I'm gonna show you have to prepare and successfully treat termites with fun. I mean can be used for direct treatment to nests. Under slabs.

Altriset - how to foam live termites?

The more commonly in warlords. Tonight we're going to demonstrate from me specifically indole cavity. The first thing to remember with finding is that it's only used for a lot of time on infestations so you need to ensure you know where these active Tomasa using a Boris cut of us in the war cavity can confirm exactly where the term on top of you conducted your third inspection you need to make a decision about whether to fine dust inject more secure about Graham by station.

This will be determined primarily by the saws of the infestation and your ability to actually get the tomato sauce in contact with the termites the benefits of choosing tomato sauce fun once you determine the extent of the infestation. Is that that farm can deliver the liquid tomato sauce. Taylor was untreatable areas such as around pipes other restrictions will for an installation.

Farm is a unique way to get some modest ought to travel across uneven surfaces into narrow spices and get around obstacles that a typical liquid sprite cannot find me is a very important tool in the tribe of time off.

Before we get started on time on finding when they deny we got all the basic tools to complete a parent successful job please include a quality product portal to set for our own sake sought a non repellent to modify my agent. Measuring containers. Real. Stop following up. Moisture made a. Possibly a term of treacle thermal imaging term I'd like kinda. For the like cutting procedure. Boris cut to Ross to insert into the wall cavity to view time on activities and obviously a farming units. A party to cover up drill holes in the Jim crow and gloves. It's funny I just can be messy and sticky on figures well not toxic. So what exactly is fun.

One is a mixture of a surfactant tomato sauce timing I should. At a liquid tomato sauce such a small percentage along with the addition of it to Mike bubbles. Farming can expand the volume of emotions expansion by up to 25 times the original volume of the water depending mostly on the amount of timing I just that's used so this is what enables the tomato sauce to reach places traditional dust bowl liquids simply cannot rage. When mixing up the phone the warden section we use 15 middle of farming origins to one liter of water.

It's important to done over the fill the air injected units to capacity as we need to allow for the expansion of we talk about for example of 3.I played 1000000000 G. handheld fana like the one we're using here should only be filled to 2.5 later this. I'm gonna be using all processed tomato sauce to die at the label right of tune up new Pallada. We start by filling the unit with a half litre of water and then adding the tomatoes side in the primary I tripped. When a 6.25 mill of all process for the 2.5 later. 37.5 middle of finding agent. And then topped the unit up to 2.5 later is. Hand pump the unit the maximum resistance.

Only 20 pumps. For our own. Which is a granular water disposable formulation. We use for a half grams per liter water. And we had the granules to the initial hop later water makes it in before adding the timing I just wanna topping up with water 2.5 places. The key to successful turn what farming is to get as much fun in contact with as many time much as possible so far in the 2 center of the 2 wheel struts with the stud finder. A group of 4 to 5 millimeter hall above the bottom plight but not more than 150 millimeters about the full.

Use a Boris code inspection of us to assess the situation in the war void. And this inspection will reveal the extent of time on activity as well as the presence of obstructions analytical cuddling and points. It's sort of funny to print the drill hall. The farm into the war void moving the one between the clock positions of 3:00 to 9:00 to ensure coverage.

A total of 71 second trigger pulls will deliver approximately 0 middle of liquid as far into the spice the final chip should always be pointed downwards so the time will be deposited as a band on the sides and bottom of the war void and the term on workings below the drill hall. If inspection rebels for the term of workings infestation up the war void prime finished will drill holes will be nice.

You need to show the Utah avoid is covered in fine which of these quadrants represents a typical area that one leader of liquid as fun would trade. Practically the saws is around 450 mile wide bought a half a meter high.

Common to all boys is the installation of of backs so the use of finite rules penetration of tomato sauce to such difficult obstacles to trade you can say that the farm is able to be distributed nationally for installation back to expose tomorrow workings around the edges forming a residual deposits on to stop crimes where the termites potentially active.

On completion of the phony procedure you guys the safety lock on the gun and carefully remove the application to. What's a closet. Time is not intended to remind on the trade service. But to move will carry the tomato sauce to the surface and then collapse so the liquid Tomaso drains from the bubbles to form a surface reserve residue on around war voids sill plates on studs Norman's an insult services of war planning. So after you have completed your treatment. To the war void it's important to let the property on is not that they could be some.

One amount of leakage this occurs as the farm dissolves and sucks for the term of workings this water is unlikely to sign copies for precautions should be taken. When booking a re inspection 14 to 20 I ties off the treatment. 28 dies there is detection all. Further investigation for a large turnout it's most likely that not enough time odds have come in to contact with Delia treatment.

We suggest you carry out further inspections as in all likelihood there's another colony coming into the property that was not discovered earlier.

Aggro presents The Advance Termite Baiting System by BASF

What makes Bates highly effective and highly profitable let's take a closer look.

Aggro presents The Advance Termite Baiting System by BASF

Bates provide long term protection of your customers homes through a system of monitoring stations that are constantly on guard for termite colonies around your structure. He's monitoring stations are checked multiple times per year and if necessary are baited to eliminate colonies approaching the home.

This baiting method popularized during the 19 nineties and now a proven part of termite control introduces a bait matrix with a special active ingredient designed to be carried back and spread to other colony members to kill the entire colony. States have been found to be a very effective control method under real world conditions.

Less intrusive than other termites solutions Bates do not require drilling of the foundation with the resulting dust noise disruption in liability. This is made the installation of bait stations around the home the favorite choice of homeowners. Best of all bait systems are both family and environmentally friendly debate uses minimal active ingredient and is securely placed inside a station in the ground and poses very little risk to families pets and the environment. What key benefits make bait systems attractive to PM he's like you.

Increasing the percentage of bay jobs in your sales mix will increase both your installation and renewal revenue and can help retain renewals at a greater rate than liquids higher revenues and retention equal higher profits for your company. Bates with faster installation can also help you close more sales during the busy swarm season by helping you prevent loss sales between the day sold and the day installed.

In addition bait systems require minimal upfront labor and can be installed in as little as 45 minutes finding qualified technicians is easier with termite Bates verses liquids due to the less rigorous treatment process. And since bait sell for a higher initial price compared to liquids only you'll have opportunities for higher commission dollars. Finally bait systems and their ongoing service will help you to differentiate your customer proposal from the standard liquid approach that many of your competitors will offer.

Giving you a distinct advantage and ability to brand your companies offering. Bates versus liquids consumer perspective long term continuous protection. Because it's an ongoing process baiting is as effective 10 years later as it is on the day of first installation. Liquids however begin degrading in the soil after day one losing their effectiveness over time. Unfortunately as a P. M. P. you don't know when the liquid treatment is no longer effective.

Calling the elimination while liquids only go after the termites that travel through the treated area baits go after the source of the problem the colony limited liquid transfer between termites has not been proven to eliminate the colony like Bates I like the fact that these women makes the termite colony not just killing the termites in hand but killing you know future predators that are gonna destroy our homes to.

Great idea meeting feeding was brought back to read the rest of the colony. Less invasive to the home while baits are non intrusive to your customers homes most liquids required drilling a disturbing fact to most homeowners. They drew these home. Okay and and out but I mean they were drug court yeah. And I went to the figure from ports.

Holes and then in the garage and that kind of thing. In addition liquid applications can be easily disrupted by frequent landscaping also today's homeowner can become disgruntled by any damage or altering of landscaping during the treatment. Family and environmentally friendly.

While bates'pose minimal risk to families and the environment liquid still rely on 100 to 250 gallons of termite aside solution to solve the problem this is much more than the amount of active ingredient that it takes for a bait to solve a homeowner's termite problem. Bates lower your company's overall liability due to the following.

No chance of contamination and bodies of water no drilling of plumbing pipes. No vehicle spills are accidents. Labor investment issues while bates'require only about 45 to 60 minutes to install liquids often require up to 2 technicians 8:00 hours or more to treat a home this increases both your up front material and labor investment on that job.

Liquids also because backlogs during this warm season look at these facts. IBM P. can install 6 to a debate jobs per day with one technician. IBM PC can only treat one or maybe 2 jobs per day with liquids depending on the construction type. With long backlogs some homeowners may shop around and cancel the job you already sold.

Battling today's difficult construction Bates take most of the guesswork out of locating the termites and concealed areas and troubleshoot the many flawed construction practices attributed to builders also Bates aren't limited by any sensible crawl spaces are water weighs close by you can use a bait to treat any structure.

Liquids on the other hand often required difficult treatment techniques that can affect plumbing lines and require a technician with many years of experience to be successful.

This can increase liability for your business.

Advance Termite Bait Station with Termites

Today we're gonna show you. The process of inspecting a bait station.

Advance Termite Bait Station with Termites

Determining whether or not it needs to be replaced. And then replacing that station. So here we have a close up of one of the advanced bait system stations. And where to go ahead and open that now. Okay I'm gonna kind of coming close here.

Okay were taking a close look at this one. And you can see that. The station has absolutely no. Activity in it still. Very good will go ahead and we're just gonna replace us one. Back in to the station. And remove one of the next station.

Okay here we are at the second station. This was a hidden by a bush a little bit. Okay I'm gonna getting closer. I can see. Thanks the mud in this one. And. So yeah. If you look here. You see the mud in there you can also see quite a bit of the. That. He looked down in here you can see that quite a bit of the cellulose of missile. So. I'm actually a down inside the. Machine down inside of it. So the mud here.

The fact. You can see termites. All over the bottom of the station here. For that. No question this needs to be replaced okay now we're looking down inside the station I can actually see some movement down in there.

I can also see a lot of mud. In a certain criminal closer. Okay now we're gonna replace the old. Bait compressed bait with a new one and this one says compressed termite bait versus what the old one says only see the only real quick. This one says for monitoring only. No active ingredients so you can tell releasing this one 's a termite inspection cartridge.

Or we call and text for short. And. This one. Actually has the active ingredient this is the one that's going to do the job compressed termite bait soaring and install that. In the whole. Replace the cat. In about 90 days any activity in this.

It should be completely ceased. Okay we're gonna we've checked several others and they all looked fine we're check one more here last one go ahead. Okay what's the. Hello come in close on the spirit we are. Okay. This one. If you look at it it's got. A lot of mold in it. And. The underside. It's really soaking wet.

Looks like it's been sitting in water up to about this point here. Now we have a lot of flooding in the service of this might have all occurred. Just in the last few days. We're gonna go ahead and just replace this one rather than. Try to use it because when they started molding. The. Sometimes it's just a good idea to replace in that way the termites. Are going to something that's too saturated. They will really mess with us.

So no activity but still a good idea to go and replace it. Okay whether you saw 3 different ones you saw one that looked fine and didn't need to be replaced you saw the second one it had active termites in it and was definitely needing to be replaced in the soft third one that had something on it. Old. And it had it had been soaked about 3 quarters the way I look like standing water been sitting in the station for sometime.

And we decide to go and replace that one. So hopefully that'll give you an idea of when you should replace and when you should.