Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Charlotte Home Inspector Reveals Extensive Termite Damage in Home

Hello this is Bill Casters whatever with home inspection Carolina we're taking a look at today is a 16 year old home built on a slab.

Charlotte Home Inspector Reveals Extensive Termite Damage in Home

With some termite damage others a pretty extensive amount of it and I got to poking and prodding around and to begin with most of it look fine but you can see here just when you touch it that's where you termite tracks are at.

This is in the master bedroom other run all down this wall. Must all small area on the front baseboard and when you get behind the front baseboard arming see where they run through here as well. The first place I spotted them was in the kitchen. This is where the refrigerator used to sit. And see what I've gone through this baseboard.

Come along here and then they disappear in behind the cab. This whole section of baseboard along the outer wall is new on the guests been replaced because of termite damage. In the living room. This baseboard. And this baseboard our name again and I guess a better place because the base for damage as well as.

The front middle bedroom has got brand new baseboard and. This is the right rear badgering the complete opposite side of the house as the front master bedroom or a started and we got termite damage down here to this base board as well. In the middle bedroom not find damage at this point.

But we do have passed signs of exploratory tubes as you see from the mud. And then another one along this from Wall here. Once you've got termite damage especially on a slab that this instance have been spread out. We will recommend have a licensed contractor come through full review all of these areas by doing in it invasive inspection. I invasive restrictions would require removing baseboard so that the wall studs in the steel plate all behind here.

You know check those to make sure that there's no damage to any of the framing or that the stud work when we have a slant home this to spread out the termites were here for quite some time so you just want to find out the it stand out that damage. If you or someone you know get ready to have a home inspection please feel free to give us a call home inspection Carolina.

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