Wednesday, March 14, 2018

About termite damage to structural timbers

These are eastern subterranean termites warmers these are the cast of termites that most people see when they have a termite problem termites live a cryptic life.

About termite damage to structural timbers

And the only cast that you'll actually see outside of the galleries are these farmers or aliens termites warmers differ from carpenter ants or any other for that matter in the fact they have wings of equal length as opposed to dance which have winds of December.

Homeowner call me city at some flying in from the window. When I got there. I told him that. They were termites. And I convinced them that we should open up the wall. Based upon the fact that they've been swarming here for years. Just spray him with a little rate. They went away so he thought see hear their actual termites.

Rolling around in the galleries first time they ever saw the light of day workers and soldiers. Because because the damage. And you can see here the damage was severe. The structural timber was away probably 7 percent.

Had to be replaced along with small steps by which. Termites was more damage in this country that all the natural disasters combined. Another term my job. I expect to the basement that had been neglected for years. So so there was the damage that I could literally pulled before Joyce away with my fingers.

This comes from years of neglect years of termites just eating away. The exterior was damaged to the point where it had. For. The floor near. Don't let this happen to me getting courtesy inspection today.

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