Mon impasse control has devised a new technique for treating dry wood termites that virtually eliminates the use of parks in fumigation it's a non invasive approach to controlling the on individual galleries for sub par for dry wood termites.
Drywood Termite Detection and Treatment - Middleton Lawn & Pest Control |
With this technique there's a. Pieces of equipment that we use to identify first of all where the term much located using sound equipment that's the 82000 acoustical device. And which we will located the active termites then we can drill into the galleries identify where the galleries are located with the resisting graph which is a modified hand drill and finally we can treat the galleries with a phone process that will take term door which is I come out of sight and coat the galleries with that.
Therefore eliminating the infestation and with a non invasive US surgical approach to a dry wood termite control. The let me show you some of the equipment that we were talking about.
This piece of equipment is the 82000 it's an acoustical device that will actually pick up the sounds of the termites eating the wood are breaking off the of wood fibers in their galleries it's a non invasive you don't have to to tear the wood up in order to listen to the termites with this prohibitionist touch to the wood. And then with the device and listening we can hear the termites sounds plus we can get a digital read out of the intensity of the sound and the number of hits that we get.
With the S. then we can stare step onto the wood and find exactly where the active termites are located in the piece of wood that we suspect. No once we've identified the area of concern or were we have activity the challenges to find where the galleries are located in the wood without tearing the water park with this piece of equipment called a resist a graph has a very small drill bit about the size of about one sixteenth of an inch in diameter and about 6 to 8 inches long.
Can drill into the wood and the drill bit measures the resistance of the wood when we had a gallery we have no resistance so we get a print out of the the piece of wood that were drilling through and we can determine how deep into that with the galleries are located.
Once we've identified the galleries with the drill hole that we just used to find the galleries we can place a small.
Reading tip into the termite galleries and apply full a similar to the shaving cream and in this film is a term either side in this coat the galleries and what's the phone has dissipated are has dried into the wood it cultures galleries with our 2 minor side which is turned in as a termite you're moving through this they come in contact with it and it destroys a colony.
What we're looking at here's an active site for dry wood termites one of the indications that you have a dry wood termite up problem is the fecal material that is given off by the termites what they do is is they clean their galleries of this fecal material for small little grains almost looks like sand with their kind of football shape was 6 intentions around the perimeter of it but it's very small this fecal material is kicked out of the galleries are the termite colony area.
So this is an active infestation right in here and gives us an indication what we have to be able to determine is where is the live termites located and where the
galleries located and that's where the acoustical device the 82000 is utilized to touch this would to find out where these termites are located in this would instead of trying to tear all of this out.
But I've just moved with Dale. Of what we're doing here is we're listening for the sound waves that are traveling to the wood of the termites breaking off a small particles of wood is the consumer we have 2 ways of determining that we have activity here one is my sale because they make a distinct sound into is by a digital readout of telling us how intense of sound or. By stair stepping. We can. Identify and isolate exactly where the calling is located in this would which until now really has not been a success with other pieces of coups to call Quitman.
But this piece of equipment 82000 the filtering mechanism in here and the ability to not tear the wood up is what really sets it apart from anything else. Each time that we have here. In a show up white cat. You'll get digital readings on it. So you get nothing. With us again. To those with the region or get in the car going by picked up no sound from the cars we could pick up other. The wages would be if somebody were to touch the S. tapped the US stomp on the floor but is a very distinct sound it doesn't sound anything like termites. Now what we've been able to identify the sites what we normally do is is when we have the activity will use a little sticker.
Place a sticker in that area there. Now sometimes the galleries may be close to the surface and we can actually feel the weakness in the wood because these termites eat right out to the surface but leave that surface on disturbs other cryptic they stay inside. Sometimes we can feel the galleries or feel were some of the damage is located a lot of times we can't so with from this point we'll start drilling with our resist a graph and walk to a series of 3 hole punch moved down another series of 3 holes and this will give us a profile of this wood and where the galleries may be located in there.
And once we've done that with the drill holes we use are are forming equipment to film into these holes. And then that will. Penetrate the galleries at a move up and down side ways and totally cut the galleries it's in there. If we look down here we have we have we have our droppings from.
Our dry wood termites or on the floor for the coming from straight above we would logically playing. When we get into this area and use our acoustical equipment we find that there's no activity here so where are the droppings come from where the activity was actively located startling investors a slope to to this backside of the stairs and so what we've we've done is we've gone up and started looking for activity up higher because the more than likely the.
Then dropping to come down from a kick out hole inside this area hitting the stop and then falling straight down here. As we inspected this up here we did find at the top of the stairs. We family activity so we'll be treating that area up there so that's where the term attraction located but this is where the dropping grain into. So what our technician is doing here is he's a check in that area there of concern we have dropping on the floor but we're having difficulty determining exactly whether dropping to coming from because of the slope of the stair all right okay.
In 10 pieces of wood like we have in the stairwell area it's difficult to use the resisting graph because the wood is so thin.
So what we've been able to do is find the kick out holes using the acoustical equipment and now we want will lose with a hand drill and a very small drill bit will drill around those kick out holes to gain access to the gallery and then put the phone into those galleries because these guys are very very thin because of the depth of the wood a technician the would. Back.
Now we've treated that gallery up there termites now in contact with the term modified it will kill. Their whole. Say that again we have a.
Okay Colorado when you're taking. Which is an indication this is the kick colder where the the termites actually bore through the wood a small hole to throw these. When we called pickles disk is another indication of where the the galleries could be located.
When we entered the wood right here on the graph as we penetrated the wood about a quarter of an inch we had a small gallery. As we continued through the wood at about an inch in about 3. It's pretty close to 3 quarters of an inch we had a pretty good size gallery right here in that gallery stuff from. Leo it's a quarter inch deep. Then we went through the rest of the wood is good and sound so we've at isolated into that.
Profile of the wood a gallery is located right in here. Now what we're gonna do now is we'll use our phone equipment.
Conan looks like 3 quarters. Yeah. What he's doing here now is just in large in those holes just a little bit to accommodate. Okay travel along either it's coming up through the cracks of the termites of a continuation. A second gallery. I am a loan out right through here. That's a good thing about the foam it seeks out those areas. And travels along those galleries.
With fumigation to fumigate the you know and a large area. Usually the fumigation is set up on 0 square are 0 cubic feet. So if you're looking at a large building for instance this building here we're dealing with is probably pretty close to 0.5000000 cubic feet.
They'd have to put tarps over the entire building and this is 3 stories plus some a basement and plus an antique area to they have to put tarps on the outside the billing covering the entire building and then pump gas in here at the rate of you know so many pounds per 0 cubic feet of this poisonous gas that would penetrate the wood to kill the term much as a couple of of drawbacks are that one the cost is very expensive to once you take the tents down and the gas dissipates there's no residual that means the the air can be read in faster or attacked again were with our process we surgically find each one of the the sites treat those sites and that product that we put in there gives us a residual so we will have been a problem in that area again.