Thursday, March 15, 2018

Premise Foam - How to Kill Termites?

I am Henry McClendon with the best solutions they were talking about bears product premise phone this is a a foaming surmise side and it's a product that.

Premise Foam - How to Kill Termites?

I've used in the many many times is still used today is a must for term manifestations that are inside a wall or a hard reach inside a house this 18 ounce cans gonna make 5 gallons of the phone comes with 2 applicative. I tend to prefer are the one with the long.

A longer trip on it. But the you need to make a hole in the wall trying to phone a roughly the size of a of a nail and and that's actually what I use I just poke a nail through typically every 18 inches I just go down the wall usually 10 feet needs direction from the the area where I I have surmised present she rocks and you shake this up this little camp here comes off gonna stick that tip inside the hole in the wall and just push this down and I typically like to do about 10 seconds so I push it down for 10 seconds.

I let go of the of the frighten you want to hold this in there for about another 10 seconds because since its phone it's expanding the phone that's inside the tube here's gonna keep coming now so just make sure you don't get everywhere and you know what he said and it's all going in the wall just leave them there for 10 seconds and then move on to the next hole.

Very effective I've had termite problems that were the other companies couldn't solve it and heavy infestations inside walls that I was able to get rid of this product so this is a great tool is the premise phone on the inside determined or is see around the outside and then be the best term I mean you can do we always have this in stock there's discounts for order more than one can free shipping order today and go out today or tonight they'll go out first thing tomorrow.

Entry Point for Termites

We are at this unit complex not pretty new unit complex building 2012.

Entry Point for Termites

No 2 more treatments has been done in the sense that if you use the product with a 123 year law of expectancy.

There's a slab of just both Jim he'd say rendered blue board also this leverage exposes the. For use in inspections and nothing goes up in any kind so yeah the from the patio that's we we form twins until March into these the point of entry.

As you can see this the patio. One of entry. It appears to be a very wet area if we go up there. We can see. With Chris.

Running down to the support of him. So. There we go.

Drywood Termites - Spot Treatment vs Tent Fumigation

Hello everyone my name is Brent to cloud my companies manage to turn mine pass control I'm here today to teach you guys the difference between spot treatment in fumigation for driver termites now we need to pay close attention because.

Drywood Termites - Spot Treatment vs Tent Fumigation

I could save you a lot of money and a lot of headaches of both houses here have termites and these locations house a is gonna go through spot treatment what spot treatment is the technician the termite technician pastor actually identify where the termites a living in a home the let's say this guy is able to identify termites here and here what he's gonna do is he's gonna drill and pump then a termite inside the house to come in direct contact with those qualities termites and he may very well may kill those termites.

What he didn't know was these termites were living right here this is a fatal mistake these termites were living in a beam let's say something that we couldn't see what's gonna happen is these termites were so small they're gonna get to a bigger size when they get to a bigger size they're gonna start to show little sign and then this customer is going to call the termite guy back and he's gonna drill holes and even a pumping the camel to kill those termites what he didn't know was another little colony happen here happen here and he's gonna come back and he's gonna drill and he's got a pond and he's gonna drill and he's gonna palm and that's going to go on for as long as you let us know what happens in house be termites are in the same location we don't care because what we're gonna do is we're gonna put it tents over this home we're gonna set up a fan we're gonna hope goes to the stand and this close is going to be connected to a cylinder of soul feral fluoride Viking.

Gas this gas is pumped into the house and the fan disperses the gas that was so special about this gas is the wood penetrating fumigate it goes through every single piece of work filled up with gas and kills the termites now that's all there for 2004 hours comes up for 2004 hours in the air raids on the third day on day number 3 this is what your house looks like.

Termite free and you don't have to do anything the gases leave any residue behind it doesn't need chemical everything is the way it was before you got termites with Viking gas it's 1 and done with spot treatment it goes on as long as you let it so in conclusion my company's manager might pass control we've been doing this since 1934 if you have any questions about this if even you want a free estimate give us a call we're happy to help.

Drywood Termite Treatment inside of an Attic

Good morning my name's Walter Gould didn't do a dry wood termite treatment inside the attic of a duplex structure here follow me.

Drywood Termite Treatment inside of an Attic

Now we made our way up into the attic and located piece that needs to be treated as you can see a longer piece there's exit holes that come out of the. Out of the peace this is with the termites more out of. Now I want to do is I'm a get my drill get set up we're going to treat this area.

Hi now I wanna hadn't pre pre drilled holes in the area that we're going to be treating are also pre mix the chemicals are going to be using in this case we're going to use term a door to treat the area come up follow me.

Okay now we finish a job would apply the chemicals this is going to give you within 3 mice a complete 100 percent the ratification of the dry wood termite infestation.

If you feel you have or seen issues related to termites give us a call at area code with more happy to help you out.

Drywood Termite Inspection - AmeriGuard Pest Defense

What we have here is some evidence of dry wood termites you'll notice a major piles on the carpet in his bedroom and we will take a closer look.

Drywood Termite Inspection - AmeriGuard Pest Defense

Here's pile number one which is. You can barely see on the carpet but if you look closely you'll see the palate. Over here we have a larger pile.

The shift over here we have some more piles. Here's another one. And when you see piles of drug termites like this you'll know that there's a kick out hole somewhere near in this situation we have a few obvious ones first one being in the ceiling. Is a dry would kick out. On the ceiling. We'll see some more.

Beyond the paneling. Here's another spot on the panel in the wall. There's one behind. The blinds.

Drywood Termite Detection and Treatment - Middleton Lawn & Pest Control

Mon impasse control has devised a new technique for treating dry wood termites that virtually eliminates the use of parks in fumigation it's a non invasive approach to controlling the on individual galleries for sub par for dry wood termites.

Drywood Termite Detection and Treatment - Middleton Lawn & Pest Control

With this technique there's a. Pieces of equipment that we use to identify first of all where the term much located using sound equipment that's the 82000 acoustical device. And which we will located the active termites then we can drill into the galleries identify where the galleries are located with the resisting graph which is a modified hand drill and finally we can treat the galleries with a phone process that will take term door which is I come out of sight and coat the galleries with that.

Therefore eliminating the infestation and with a non invasive US surgical approach to a dry wood termite control. The let me show you some of the equipment that we were talking about.

This piece of equipment is the 82000 it's an acoustical device that will actually pick up the sounds of the termites eating the wood are breaking off the of wood fibers in their galleries it's a non invasive you don't have to to tear the wood up in order to listen to the termites with this prohibitionist touch to the wood. And then with the device and listening we can hear the termites sounds plus we can get a digital read out of the intensity of the sound and the number of hits that we get.

With the S. then we can stare step onto the wood and find exactly where the active termites are located in the piece of wood that we suspect. No once we've identified the area of concern or were we have activity the challenges to find where the galleries are located in the wood without tearing the water park with this piece of equipment called a resist a graph has a very small drill bit about the size of about one sixteenth of an inch in diameter and about 6 to 8 inches long.

Can drill into the wood and the drill bit measures the resistance of the wood when we had a gallery we have no resistance so we get a print out of the the piece of wood that were drilling through and we can determine how deep into that with the galleries are located.

Once we've identified the galleries with the drill hole that we just used to find the galleries we can place a small.

Reading tip into the termite galleries and apply full a similar to the shaving cream and in this film is a term either side in this coat the galleries and what's the phone has dissipated are has dried into the wood it cultures galleries with our 2 minor side which is turned in as a termite you're moving through this they come in contact with it and it destroys a colony.

What we're looking at here's an active site for dry wood termites one of the indications that you have a dry wood termite up problem is the fecal material that is given off by the termites what they do is is they clean their galleries of this fecal material for small little grains almost looks like sand with their kind of football shape was 6 intentions around the perimeter of it but it's very small this fecal material is kicked out of the galleries are the termite colony area.

So this is an active infestation right in here and gives us an indication what we have to be able to determine is where is the live termites located and where the galleries located and that's where the acoustical device the 82000 is utilized to touch this would to find out where these termites are located in this would instead of trying to tear all of this out.

But I've just moved with Dale. Of what we're doing here is we're listening for the sound waves that are traveling to the wood of the termites breaking off a small particles of wood is the consumer we have 2 ways of determining that we have activity here one is my sale because they make a distinct sound into is by a digital readout of telling us how intense of sound or. By stair stepping. We can. Identify and isolate exactly where the calling is located in this would which until now really has not been a success with other pieces of coups to call Quitman.

But this piece of equipment 82000 the filtering mechanism in here and the ability to not tear the wood up is what really sets it apart from anything else. Each time that we have here. In a show up white cat. You'll get digital readings on it. So you get nothing. With us again. To those with the region or get in the car going by picked up no sound from the cars we could pick up other. The wages would be if somebody were to touch the S. tapped the US stomp on the floor but is a very distinct sound it doesn't sound anything like termites. Now what we've been able to identify the sites what we normally do is is when we have the activity will use a little sticker.

Place a sticker in that area there. Now sometimes the galleries may be close to the surface and we can actually feel the weakness in the wood because these termites eat right out to the surface but leave that surface on disturbs other cryptic they stay inside. Sometimes we can feel the galleries or feel were some of the damage is located a lot of times we can't so with from this point we'll start drilling with our resist a graph and walk to a series of 3 hole punch moved down another series of 3 holes and this will give us a profile of this wood and where the galleries may be located in there.

And once we've done that with the drill holes we use are are forming equipment to film into these holes. And then that will. Penetrate the galleries at a move up and down side ways and totally cut the galleries it's in there. If we look down here we have we have we have our droppings from.

Our dry wood termites or on the floor for the coming from straight above we would logically playing. When we get into this area and use our acoustical equipment we find that there's no activity here so where are the droppings come from where the activity was actively located startling investors a slope to to this backside of the stairs and so what we've we've done is we've gone up and started looking for activity up higher because the more than likely the.

Then dropping to come down from a kick out hole inside this area hitting the stop and then falling straight down here. As we inspected this up here we did find at the top of the stairs. We family activity so we'll be treating that area up there so that's where the term attraction located but this is where the dropping grain into. So what our technician is doing here is he's a check in that area there of concern we have dropping on the floor but we're having difficulty determining exactly whether dropping to coming from because of the slope of the stair all right okay.

In 10 pieces of wood like we have in the stairwell area it's difficult to use the resisting graph because the wood is so thin.

So what we've been able to do is find the kick out holes using the acoustical equipment and now we want will lose with a hand drill and a very small drill bit will drill around those kick out holes to gain access to the gallery and then put the phone into those galleries because these guys are very very thin because of the depth of the wood a technician the would. Back.

Now we've treated that gallery up there termites now in contact with the term modified it will kill. Their whole. Say that again we have a.

Okay Colorado when you're taking. Which is an indication this is the kick colder where the the termites actually bore through the wood a small hole to throw these. When we called pickles disk is another indication of where the the galleries could be located.

When we entered the wood right here on the graph as we penetrated the wood about a quarter of an inch we had a small gallery. As we continued through the wood at about an inch in about 3. It's pretty close to 3 quarters of an inch we had a pretty good size gallery right here in that gallery stuff from. Leo it's a quarter inch deep. Then we went through the rest of the wood is good and sound so we've at isolated into that.

Profile of the wood a gallery is located right in here. Now what we're gonna do now is we'll use our phone equipment.

Conan looks like 3 quarters. Yeah. What he's doing here now is just in large in those holes just a little bit to accommodate. Okay travel along either it's coming up through the cracks of the termites of a continuation. A second gallery. I am a loan out right through here. That's a good thing about the foam it seeks out those areas. And travels along those galleries.

With fumigation to fumigate the you know and a large area. Usually the fumigation is set up on 0 square are 0 cubic feet. So if you're looking at a large building for instance this building here we're dealing with is probably pretty close to 0.5000000 cubic feet.

They'd have to put tarps over the entire building and this is 3 stories plus some a basement and plus an antique area to they have to put tarps on the outside the billing covering the entire building and then pump gas in here at the rate of you know so many pounds per 0 cubic feet of this poisonous gas that would penetrate the wood to kill the term much as a couple of of drawbacks are that one the cost is very expensive to once you take the tents down and the gas dissipates there's no residual that means the the air can be read in faster or attacked again were with our process we surgically find each one of the the sites treat those sites and that product that we put in there gives us a residual so we will have been a problem in that area again.

Termite Extermination

Gonna talk about if you have a. Home is the solution of termites if you see a tunnel like this.

Termite Extermination

Most likely it's active the way you can check is. We can break it off. And see if you see any termites or the next day the tunnels rebuilt. So we were gonna treat him is 15 flint. This is the fifth so 7 feet that way since the this we will build a trench.

Change will be. 6 inches. It's 3 inches wide. There you will fill it in with. A. Turn my insecticide. This is what we will use is made by a terminal or itself in a pro. Here will makes. Point 8 ounces per gallon.

We'll do here is that this will automatically measure. 20 fluid ounces I will create there's 2 gallons in the bucket so I will need to fill this up twice. Okay. Okay so what you do is you measure out the insecticide. And it self regulates itself the point 8 fluid ounces.

Need for you know for that in. You repeat that one more time. So that makes it a total. 1.6 per ounce. Okay good. Okay. Your little mix.

By the way this is insecticide I would recommend you not using anything that touches it don't either use it again wear gloves wear long sleeves as this is poison so it's poison for insects forcing for us and what we do with this mixture is. Number the trench we dug out.

We've done. 3 inches wide 6 inches deep. And we do it for about 5 feet it will pour. All of this in there let it settle. And then we cover it up and we're all done for 9 years. So there it is folks. That's what it should look like. And I will do the scene down there. And we should be covered and decide. This is what the second 5 footage looks like. Looks very nice.

That's right where the old canal used to be for the termites and hopefully we will see that anymore or cover it up and will be done. Thanks for reading.

10 Year Termite and Ant Treatment with Termidor - Kill and Prevent Termites and Ants

Welcome back tight wads today we're looking at the product term adore Essie.

10 Year Termite and Ant Treatment with Termidor - Kill and Prevent Termites and Ants

I'm going to show you how to do a treatment around the perimeter of your house. This treatment is said to last. Up to her actually more than 10 years. It's considered a non repellent time I decide which means that it does not.

Event the termites from entering your home per se. It simply catch them with the chemical which they then take back to their colony and kill the queen does not repel the termites from. Coming in contact with it. I'm making it up very effective.

Chemical to use this is one of the top. To chemicals used by your commercial. Termite treatment gas. You can either pay them. A lot of money to do it for you or you can do the treatment yourself other tree treatment is pretty straightforward. It in all areas of your yard where the dirt of your yard meets the foundation or exterior wall of your house.

Others a little more intensive work that comes into play. When your. Treating the that have a concrete slab such as a sidewalk front porch for a patio. Abu discuss that later and I'll show you the steps I took to treat my house. The first step in your term or treatment is to dig a 6 inch deep and 6 inch wide trench all the way around your house right up next to the foundation or to the basement wall as I have. The problem is he can see I planted my bushes. Far enough away from the wall. But I could dig behind them and keep them from rubbing against the house and messing up the brick. But the contractors who planted the trees or the shrubs. And the front of the house platinum right up next to the house.

There's no room to get behind them to dig. So show you a little tip to pull your brushes away temporarily. Why did your church. As you can see I have a system that pulls the shrubs away from the house so that I can dig a trench address some stakes into the ground. And use the ratcheting style straps you can see the first 2 bushes. For pulled away.

Okay walk behind him but the next year or not. So that's the difference give me about a foot a work room to work. Behind them and these are the stuff straps that Yousef strapped to bush is out of town. In this the ratcheting style straps stockholders tight as I can then ratcheted down a little bit more.

Now give me the room might be able to see better from this angle due to the sunlight. But I have a clear path to dig a tunnel behind my shrubs. The next step involves a 5 gallon bucket with 4 gallons of water and different amounts of Commodore. Based off of what your goal is I'm using the term door Essie about this I do my own has They sell the same chemicals that expertise and after my application. But I like the guidelines. It's just very different mixing guides.

The first one is 4.6 percent. End of may measures at says one gallon of finish solution 2.8 collapses.

The next 2 are for if you have active termite activity or an active colony of those are a little bit stronger and they're made to kill the colony and then prevent afterwards so today since I have no signs of termites at this time I'm going to use the one gallon of finished dilution at point 8 ounces of German or so I'll be mixing. 4 measurements of point 8 fluid ounces in this model you just type it up. And it fills up the minutes slowly drains down.

Through that little too in the center there to 2.8 fluid ounces mark I'll put 4 parts of this 4 times point 8 fluid ounces into my water and then I'll start with my paint stick all makes it up and I'll pour this into 10 feet of the trench that I've dug around the house so 10 linear feet. Traits that is 6 inches deep and 6 inches wide. What you for the Commodore and. 10 when your feet. You let it soak in all the way. Then use a pump sprayer. History the bank. And then you should push the backfill. Back into the hole. Now you can see all mine since my.

Ground is obviously not level I built small dams just thrown in there. To prevent the terminal or from all going to the low spot. A bill small them every 3 feet or so. Phil that section ridiculous as needed. And then wait until all the term adore is absorbed into the dirt. Now that my trenches mostly dry I'll come back. With a pump sprayer with German or mixed 8 ounces to one gallon. Of water and all spray the backfill. Get wet. Now making mud. Now come back.

Push them back though. Into the trench inspiration other coat of terminal or along the top. As for your ground to wall treatments. This is the last step. In order to treat concrete slabs. Around your home you'll need a hammer drill. And a drill bit that has happened too wide.

About 18 inches long. A you would drill into the concrete slab every 12 inches. Around the perimeter with the home. About 6 to 12 inches away from the exterior wall of your house. Within mix. Termin door in a 2 gallon bucket. And poor approximately one gallon of treatment into each hole. Using a long plastic funnel. Once you're done. With this treatment you'll then want to plug each of the holes with either plug you can purchase from to do mom as

Or a small amount amount of. Cement or sand mix can also be used. How did you found this video helpful if so go and subscribe to my channel from work similar posts for home repair long repair and lawn installations. Give me a thumbs up and post any questions you may have in the comments section below. Just so you know. If you ask any. Professional termite service. They'll recommend terminal or or a related product possibly called Tarses or there are a few other ones. As a treatment to your home it provides superior has said.

For about 10 years. And it totally will eliminate termites that are currently in your home if treated properly. Many other service experts will tell you that doing this treatment on your own renders it useless and ineffective. But they install the treatment the exact same way that I shared with you in the studio. After completing this process understand why termite control companies. Charge high prices for this treatment it is very labor intensive.

Please keep that in mind when you decide whether to do this project yourself or to leave it to a professional. To be one of my other videos shown how to treat your long for dollar spot one fungus click the video on the top left.

See my post showing that affective way to treat white blossoms shrubs or garden plants click the post in the top right. Don't forget to subscribe.

Destroying a Termite Mound Then Look Inside at it's Bizarre Construction

Hi welcome to blind out doors. I got a new termite mound in my backyard. Not that you see every day but here in the Philippines is pretty common.

Destroying a Termite Mound Then Look Inside at it's Bizarre Construction

I'm gonna knock it down because if we don't. Every time is a full moon and it rains we get thousands and thousands termites finding it in the house is a pain in the ****. So. I'm human is pretty solid for a whole new code on your last night. The. This box here. Was right there.

This late in there and they built their new fresh coating read any the boxes and. And a great inside there all these weeds are are not growing on the mound. It is built the mount around the weeds that are there. Let's see what's inside looks like.

A lot of the right to look at. Solid as. For a coating. This. It is like beavers to you not down there their mound like a beaver dam will be there all night long rebuilding it. Termites here though the cavities yet. They come many multiples the dirt this is for a little in Germany. How many. Millions of much of the building. Here you go. It is a department power down you get a little closer look at the. The moment you see these.

Read termites. The great they're not that that's a soldier. So the soldier put my finger in here watch hill. You'll just. Electric on my finger. What the hell. Names might right on my finger. That big. Make pictures there. With a tall mountains for. Departments like this. Those things are loose I don't know what. Sexy in them.

And the pockets are just completely smooth it is amazing. Mothers hundreds of those and what they say is. Come on like this. The expert stands out 10 feet in every direction. By 10 feet down the ground also. So it's probably.

Millions of termites in there. So a pretty interesting. Go back to shop in Oregon. Back here talking on. It's extremely hard. All the ground here in my yard is all play. So the jury might. It's amazing that the little bugs could care that much dirt up. To the top part just protection. I thought we run into a. Of a winter might use of their their near the surface somewhere. There's a whole top there. Yeah. Writer. Coming here. What's your approach to those that.

The structures here just. Just incredible. The car. The costs move the compartments are and that is awesome. And. A lot of workers in here. The white ones are workers. A great there.

And then the red ones one the red tipped their soldiers. My daughter says let's go look for the queen which is probably my guess would be 6 to 10 feet underground. But a. The these these things here fall a little white dots. And. I don't think they're I don't think they are bags they believe they're probably a fungus or something a try or they they grow some of the food in there something so I can imagine. I don't know much about termites but. There.

Soldiers in there. But me. Xena. Yeah. All right back there so I got a. Kind of a pick flat pick for the point break. If I could do a little more destroying. Search. Channels to find a queen. And the soldiers here. Someplace you gotta watch out for Colbert's again in the hold on a.

No limit the nest. Bad luck over here in the Philippines. But I'm sure at one time. There's probably a little stop here. That's right where they started their. Their nest at. Neither this message for. The. This is the nursery here. See all the little white specks holder all exist. There's dozens and dozens of soldiers in here.

They're panicking now that I broken open. That much all monofilament line laying down here that was from a small chicken pen we had about 5 years ago. The right there holding your hand there. My wife has a piece a wooden hand that's telling me that there's a. It is right there partly old stump that was down there that's exactly what I said before. Usually when they start their mounts. But it's real interesting because. You look at the. Complexity of look at that. The complexity of that it is a credible.

How smooth it is. It's just incredible? There's another way there but my hand. Saying it's. And. Not that I think that their food. I think so. With a little white things smoothie CNBC there once what they're they're carrying them builder eggs for sure there's a there's a soldier they're carrying one. Pretty interesting. But it's not a bug. This is a society.

The colony and there's certain certain types of bugs do certain things I want to other things. Pretty interesting okay. I think all it pretty wild yeah. Is it the fear the soldier but your finger. Back in her chair. Not put your finger down to him little dispenser. But what. Why. Blood. Though the mean one. But it got bit by 5 of no name hurt me. You must taste good.

Termites today paper watch the other day here have much luck area. Sure. Yeah. Germany. That. So. The. The size of those. The. Yeah I live.


Thank you for clicking on to the coca termites treatment post.


Hopefully over the next few minutes you can think I'm inside Intel al technicians who stole treatment around your home how they install the chemical and also how they tied up behind before they leave homes in the southeast Queensland area are extremely vulnerable to attacks from foraging termites termites a located in most backyards nesting in gum trees tree stumps retaining walls any embedded timber from the nest they build an elaborate network of subterranean tunnels normally only half a foot on the ground in search of timber the worker termites use they launched jewels to kat and scrape the timber into small pieces to digest as they walk back to their nest the timber is changed to soluble sugar this by a special enzyme in that counts.

Once they arrive at the nest they regurgitate the sugar is to feed the colony and the juvenile termites located in the nursery termites view your heart as a highly desirable restaurant where the food is free and there's plenty of it he you can say the foraging termites have traveled on to paint this as they enter the structure we usually find turn lights on the pipe is concrete pots and drive Weiss they built the tunnels horizontally along the ground to ride up to the footings of the house.

Once they hit the slab agile footings and I will travel left or right looking for concealed entry point. These concealed entry points are usually a small gap in the mortar between the bricks embedded below the ground sometimes the termites will build a mudslide out of the ground over the slab edge or into a windfall to gain entry into your heart quite commonly the largest lead to found in the sub floor under a house it's dark and all ideal environment for termites to stop these kinds of investigations we strongly recommend installing a chemical treatment around the base of your heart these days we have a selection of highly effective and safe chemicals that were only dreamt about a few years ago are counted termites uses only the best performing timid asides and refuses to use any generic brands we encourage our clients to view the preparation process we are a fully accredited applicator for terminal and ultra set both the known repellents and both work to eliminate the colony that is attacking your house once we have done a complete a price or or inspection of your home and listen to your concerns our experienced technicians will recommend the chemical most appropriate for your structure for more information please view of post on our inspection process once you've made a very wise decision to protect your home from termites you naturally want to know.

I will be installed properly by professional and trustworthy company at coca termites we have the experience and expertise to install a chemical treatment to the highest possible standard here is how your treatment will be installed firstly I trenches dug down to the footing that this brick wall is sitting on as we explained before most concealed entry points for termites happen in this sign once the soil is being dog and placed along the trench it is ready to hand pull of the chemical.

The chemical is applied in life is to ensure the soil is saturated completely the quality of the soil is very important to ensure the chemical is absorbed and distributed evenly this is Wierd conquer termites we might suggest to introduce a good quality long the soil if the existing soil is to sandy for high in clay content in a matter of a few hours both terminal and ultra said we'll bone to strongly to the soil and will not be prone to leaching with heavy rains.

This gives us the confidence these products will stay in the zone to give you continuous protection once the chemical has been completely applied to the trench the boys will level the soil ready for a layer of stoned soul suck response to be laid on top.

Often we appraised for the wonderful landscaping we do when installing a treatment if the pipe is around your home can be lifted then they will be lifted in preparation for chemical treatments if another company is telling you this is not necessary it just means they are either incompetent or lazy it is a difficult job to lift in real life hive is but full of technicians have been trying to do this and take a lot of pride in the quality of the real life. Importantly they all want to go the extra mile to ensure the best possible treatment outcome.

A great option that conquered termites can offer before the pipe is cut back or new concrete is laid is the installation of the altus reticulation system this is a specially designed chewed that has remiges embedded to guarantee even flyer to replenish the chemical treatment at a later time. Most times we'll have an area where concrete has been laid up against the structure. The structures that have a problematic termite infestation we sometimes suggest to come out and lift a strip of concrete along the perimeter to allow us to dig a trench.

This is the ultimate way to install the chemical treatment but it is a lot of work and very expensive the majority of harms can adequately be treated by drilling and injecting the chemical under the concrete with an injection road for most treatments we use the 12 millimeters drill bits for some treatments we might suggest you use a smaller drill bit to fit between the ground of the tiles. I'd come to termites we will always want to give the hormonal options to allow the best possible finish this is why many customers select the extra service of diamond cutting when they have expensive tiles will surface Darius.

He's a skilled and time consuming task but the excellent finish is worth it.

The chemical is supplied through each hole by inserting injecting wrought and pumping the chemical under pressure. The technician tries to apply 100 liters per every 10 Matus. To ensure the chemical doesn't escape from the nearby homes coca termites uses special plastic plugs to stop this happening. Once the pumping is finished the holes are ready to be sealed.

All the technicians take a lot of pride in the final finish and work hard to color matched the special motor to have a near perfect finish. If you have a some floor area under your house it is very important to treat the soiled areas as mentioned before termites easily bridge out of the ground and build leads into a house. It's normally not a fun place to work but it is vital to install a chemical treatment along full of the brick footings and concrete stops.

The technician will prepare a shallow trench by hands digging and then apply the chemical.

Once the chemical is being applied it is important not to disturb the treatment and not to stack personal items up against the walls. Home god is a great option when we come to protect a structure that needs more than just a chemical treatments. Home god products are impregnated with boyfriend threaten that will propel and kill termites for 50 years this is ideal for when you're lying in new concrete slab of against a harm full when you wanna protect steel PS.

When you select conga termites you have the reassurance that all at technicians a fully licensed and insured but you also have the assurance that they are accredited install is through the manufacturer of 10 it'll all just said and hung god this means we have been selected by the manufacturer to install their product to the highest possible standards with 10 adore you also have the option to register for the $2000000 warranty completely free of charge.

For extra peace of mind coca termites can offer the $100000 timber secu insurance cover through their ensure a rapid solutions this is a legitimate insurance cover for any future repairs to damage caused by future time might attack a reality in our industry is that there are no absolutes termites are unrelenting in their efforts to find a way into homes and there is no single treatment that will permanently Regel hime from the threat of time I'd attacks you need to stay vigilant and have the assurance that when things go wrong you have a company that will be there to help all out treatments come with the company warranty that is we promise to re inspect and trade free of charge in the unlikely chance the termites were to reappear this is renewable on annual warranty inspections with dole out treatments we apply treatment labels for future reference as well as providing a 3 page certificate of treatment confirming that your home has been traded to the Australian standards by a fully licensed company.

Thank you for perusal out treatment post we understand as a hymen a make a decision of which company is going to treat you hide is a big decision it comes down to trust people trusted the gun to the top right you're gonna have to trust that they're going to be there in the future I go to bed.

How could turn my trip Tyson is being built on trust we invite you to become one of our valued customers?

Conehead Termite - Identify and Report Infestation

I'm s also ball I work for the Florida department of agriculture and consumer services in the cone head termite arrived occasion program we are here in Broward county.

Conehead Termite - Identify and Report Infestation

Because an exotic species of termite has shown up and we are attempting to radically that from Broward county before it spreads to the rest of Florida or to the rest of the United States the conehead termites always travel in a tunnel that they construct this is an example of what a tunnel looks like that resident should be aware of.

They always move for protection purposes in these tunnels and they move from the nest to the feeding fight back and forth in a constructed tunnel so anytime residencies anything like this on their property they should call us to let us know that they potentially have a cone head termite infestation on their property if I come out and identify that there is a cone head termite infestation we will come out and treat in the landscape outside of the home at no charge the cone head termite has a very broad food preference they will eat anything made of wood they like houses they like pallets would that stored in people's property sheds they love trees.

Anything made of wood they will even eat cardboard or paper products if nothing else is available to them so anything you have stored in your yard or in your house that's protected that's made of wood is a potential place for a cone head to infest in feet and what they do is they build a nest are away from their feeding source build the tunnels.

That they walk to the feeding source and they take the food from the forging area back to the nest all day long back in force one of the characteristics of the cone head termite that makes it even more of a racist past is that they have multiple kings and queens in almost every single last one of the nass that we found had 25 queens in 28 kings in one nest there for one of those queens and one of those kings can pair up walk away from that nest to a different piece of wood to a different tree to an adjacent pals in set up a whole new colony the cone head termite has several different forms in its colony it has the queen it has a king it has workers and it has soldiers were the reason it is called a cone head termite is that the soldier form of this termite has a dark brown cone shaped head they're very tiny about the size of a grain of rice if not a little smaller my primary and most important role in the cone head termite is to eliminate conehead termites from Broward county.

So they do not expand into the rest of Florida or throughout the United States it is very important that the residents assist us all of the properties on this map that are colored blue were in the early infestation area from 2001 to 2010 this is where they were finding the life cone head termites in during treatments now in 2012 we found a whole new areas as you'll see there the properties in yellow and it shows you the potential for this cone head termite.

To spread the department of agriculture has been very thankful to the city of danger beach for their assistance in educating the residents on what to look for in notifying us when they receive a call regarding the conehead termites we are greatly appreciative for their health.

Comment se protéger des termites?

Dans un rapport de saint-mandé autres toutes petites bêtes sont les permis d insectes qui se nourrissent du bois qui peut occasionner des dégâts considérables allant jusqu'à kaboul fondre votre logement quelles sont les solutions pour s'en débarrasser réponse dans le reportage de maxime bus entiers.

Comment se protéger des termites?

Des charpentes ravagé des plaintes dévoré ses dégâts sont l'oeuvre d'insectes microscopiques les termites. Dans le monde il en existe plus de deux mille sept cents espèces mais seuls six sont présentes en france. Les plus répandues sont celles ci les termites souterrain cinquante cinq départements sont infestés comme l'explique cette biologiste spécialiste de ces insectes. Arrêt en ce sens des insectes qui préfère quand les zones chaudes qui comprit en robe.

Ou cinq en europe on a surtout la partie sud qui est concernée beaucoup espagne italie portugal va retrouver cette distinction en france surtout dans toute la partie sud sud-ouest également le long du bassin méditerranéen. Vivant en colonies les termites peuvent très vite se répandre surtout lorsqu'on sait qu'une reine peut pondre jusqu'à trente milles par jour et ces petites bêtes à l'appétit insatiable n'ont aucune limite.

L'intermittence attaque au mois et à tout ce qui concerne la cellulose mais tous types de matériaux suffisamment souples va voit franchir eux comme dégaine dégaine plastique des tuyaux ça peut de suite les dégâts électriques différents types d isolants de type polystyrène des isolants qui vont contenir de la cellulose des fibres de bois. Si on les arrête pas le risque dans le pire des cas de voir sa maison s'est effondrée. En france la réglementation oblige la protection des constructions neuves dans les amitiés plusieurs solutions existent.

Soit des barrières physiques chimiques placées sous les sols sont en traitement préventif des bois. Tue les insectes tous utilisent des substances comme le chrome ou le cuivre les traitements efficaces mais toxiques.

Alors un chercheur a décidé de plancher lui sur une solution écologique. A toulouse le professeur carlos bacca garcia et son équipe ont réussi la prouesse de mettre au point un produit cent pourcent naturel.

Pas non plus votre personne cherche un peu une solution pour sa paquet et tuer sélectivement les permis nous avons mis au point une molécule d'origine végétale je ne permet que le cachet de liman l'éternité c'est à lire on vous en reparle tués simplement là déguisés que le bois peut en sein de matériaux qui ne pourra par contre eux fini il aura fallu cinq ans de recherche pour développer cette mêlée culte obtenue à partir d'huile de colza et de tournesol. Pour qu'elles soient imprégnés au coeur du bois non traité ce dernier placé dans un autoclave pollue les verser après deux heures à cent quarante degrés le bois devient indigeste pour l'éternité.

Dans ce texte nous mettons de morceaux de bois un traité est un traité que nous le mettons en pressant son intermittent de. Quelques rides quelque temps plus tard peu constatant que un des bois je bois non traité a été conclu ce qui je alors que sur le bois traité les termites ne sont même pas posés dessus.

Donc il y a à la fois un effet répulsif et protecteur durant le dubois ff pour le moment ces tuiles n'est pas commercialisée par manque de moyens d'enregistrement d'une nouvelle molécule auprès de la commission européenne coûte plus d'un million d'euros et même quand le professeur raas l'autorisation de la commercialiser il faudra encore convaincre les industriels pourrait être aussi efficace qu un traitement classique il faut trois fois plus de produits naturels ce qui coûtera trois fois plus cher.