Thursday, March 15, 2018

Destroying a Termite Mound Then Look Inside at it's Bizarre Construction

Hi welcome to blind out doors. I got a new termite mound in my backyard. Not that you see every day but here in the Philippines is pretty common.

Destroying a Termite Mound Then Look Inside at it's Bizarre Construction

I'm gonna knock it down because if we don't. Every time is a full moon and it rains we get thousands and thousands termites finding it in the house is a pain in the ****. So. I'm human is pretty solid for a whole new code on your last night. The. This box here. Was right there.

This late in there and they built their new fresh coating read any the boxes and. And a great inside there all these weeds are are not growing on the mound. It is built the mount around the weeds that are there. Let's see what's inside looks like.

A lot of the right to look at. Solid as. For a coating. This. It is like beavers to you not down there their mound like a beaver dam will be there all night long rebuilding it. Termites here though the cavities yet. They come many multiples the dirt this is for a little in Germany. How many. Millions of much of the building. Here you go. It is a department power down you get a little closer look at the. The moment you see these.

Read termites. The great they're not that that's a soldier. So the soldier put my finger in here watch hill. You'll just. Electric on my finger. What the hell. Names might right on my finger. That big. Make pictures there. With a tall mountains for. Departments like this. Those things are loose I don't know what. Sexy in them.

And the pockets are just completely smooth it is amazing. Mothers hundreds of those and what they say is. Come on like this. The expert stands out 10 feet in every direction. By 10 feet down the ground also. So it's probably.

Millions of termites in there. So a pretty interesting. Go back to shop in Oregon. Back here talking on. It's extremely hard. All the ground here in my yard is all play. So the jury might. It's amazing that the little bugs could care that much dirt up. To the top part just protection. I thought we run into a. Of a winter might use of their their near the surface somewhere. There's a whole top there. Yeah. Writer. Coming here. What's your approach to those that.

The structures here just. Just incredible. The car. The costs move the compartments are and that is awesome. And. A lot of workers in here. The white ones are workers. A great there.

And then the red ones one the red tipped their soldiers. My daughter says let's go look for the queen which is probably my guess would be 6 to 10 feet underground. But a. The these these things here fall a little white dots. And. I don't think they're I don't think they are bags they believe they're probably a fungus or something a try or they they grow some of the food in there something so I can imagine. I don't know much about termites but. There.

Soldiers in there. But me. Xena. Yeah. All right back there so I got a. Kind of a pick flat pick for the point break. If I could do a little more destroying. Search. Channels to find a queen. And the soldiers here. Someplace you gotta watch out for Colbert's again in the hold on a.

No limit the nest. Bad luck over here in the Philippines. But I'm sure at one time. There's probably a little stop here. That's right where they started their. Their nest at. Neither this message for. The. This is the nursery here. See all the little white specks holder all exist. There's dozens and dozens of soldiers in here.

They're panicking now that I broken open. That much all monofilament line laying down here that was from a small chicken pen we had about 5 years ago. The right there holding your hand there. My wife has a piece a wooden hand that's telling me that there's a. It is right there partly old stump that was down there that's exactly what I said before. Usually when they start their mounts. But it's real interesting because. You look at the. Complexity of look at that. The complexity of that it is a credible.

How smooth it is. It's just incredible? There's another way there but my hand. Saying it's. And. Not that I think that their food. I think so. With a little white things smoothie CNBC there once what they're they're carrying them builder eggs for sure there's a there's a soldier they're carrying one. Pretty interesting. But it's not a bug. This is a society.

The colony and there's certain certain types of bugs do certain things I want to other things. Pretty interesting okay. I think all it pretty wild yeah. Is it the fear the soldier but your finger. Back in her chair. Not put your finger down to him little dispenser. But what. Why. Blood. Though the mean one. But it got bit by 5 of no name hurt me. You must taste good.

Termites today paper watch the other day here have much luck area. Sure. Yeah. Germany. That. So. The. The size of those. The. Yeah I live.

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