Thursday, March 15, 2018

Drywood Termites - Spot Treatment vs Tent Fumigation

Hello everyone my name is Brent to cloud my companies manage to turn mine pass control I'm here today to teach you guys the difference between spot treatment in fumigation for driver termites now we need to pay close attention because.

Drywood Termites - Spot Treatment vs Tent Fumigation

I could save you a lot of money and a lot of headaches of both houses here have termites and these locations house a is gonna go through spot treatment what spot treatment is the technician the termite technician pastor actually identify where the termites a living in a home the let's say this guy is able to identify termites here and here what he's gonna do is he's gonna drill and pump then a termite inside the house to come in direct contact with those qualities termites and he may very well may kill those termites.

What he didn't know was these termites were living right here this is a fatal mistake these termites were living in a beam let's say something that we couldn't see what's gonna happen is these termites were so small they're gonna get to a bigger size when they get to a bigger size they're gonna start to show little sign and then this customer is going to call the termite guy back and he's gonna drill holes and even a pumping the camel to kill those termites what he didn't know was another little colony happen here happen here and he's gonna come back and he's gonna drill and he's got a pond and he's gonna drill and he's gonna palm and that's going to go on for as long as you let us know what happens in house be termites are in the same location we don't care because what we're gonna do is we're gonna put it tents over this home we're gonna set up a fan we're gonna hope goes to the stand and this close is going to be connected to a cylinder of soul feral fluoride Viking.

Gas this gas is pumped into the house and the fan disperses the gas that was so special about this gas is the wood penetrating fumigate it goes through every single piece of work filled up with gas and kills the termites now that's all there for 2004 hours comes up for 2004 hours in the air raids on the third day on day number 3 this is what your house looks like.

Termite free and you don't have to do anything the gases leave any residue behind it doesn't need chemical everything is the way it was before you got termites with Viking gas it's 1 and done with spot treatment it goes on as long as you let it so in conclusion my company's manager might pass control we've been doing this since 1934 if you have any questions about this if even you want a free estimate give us a call we're happy to help.

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