How to prevent termites destroying your new home? |
I think writing should be a bit of a chat to about the ways we can try and prevent him once and I suppose the first thing you need to think about you know if we're gonna try and work it having to stop them we have to really understands you know how they how they worked in the first place and how they get in to get into a house and how they can eat away at the little house were so I'm sorry if you don't know Jim once cement the wood door timber in the water booting the cold it's and so that's what I like to eat and so that's what they're looking for they're not necessarily out there looking to eat houses on their preferences the other top that would you know that he get Ahold tree roots in the old tree trunks and all that sort of stuff so I.
So not necessarily out they just 20 houses and so that's the first thing on stand is yeah there are they just looking for a supplier supply would to eat and so that's the first thing we can try to do is try to keep them keep what a wife right now so we get a an old timber trunk or something else line around the right house and that's always the I know it's gonna attract 10 months so that's the first thing service you don't attract them to air in the first place that's probably one of the reasons why house and Tim wanted tracked it to to houses nowadays is the fact that you know more more houses them properties narrow covered in concrete so which means it's going on your list less places for them to be able to eat essentially in so they can eat whatever they can at night which other preference not to eat a house they brought eating us betrayed his less less trees around so they end up just getting into wherever they can basically so it doesn't understand about 2 months is data and some that I liked a lot survey.
What that means is they gonna Bari underground anything I'm gonna come above ground the gonna do what I like a little tunnel because I don't like to get out out in the lot so you're.
That's why part of 1 of the rules of booting it's actually I think it's a standard number 3660 or some of that is the standard actually says that some because we know 10 months don't come out through the lot Hey John thanks for joining me now to 1 so I hope you got your all your holiday the out of my way watching me so I am very yesterday 2 months on their lights come through I'm done now it's gotten a lot and so what they're gonna do is and that I like the through concrete obviously so they gonna come under grounding and dig their way up into into your house so they probably going to come through with like with penetration spice the pops the pot to come through concrete slab or.
For all polity from purposes they gonna come through there and so I bought it I'm by lower that boarding standards which says that they actually have to on what's called a a physical barrier to death to do become 10 my predictions for around the the penetration site they put something code in one of the practice who 10 matches like a mess up substance another one 's cooled down.
And a cold alone or there's a whole polity for things called on to be like a plastic and it's got insecticide to into the plastics are basically yet so much time on these decides that I would go and kill their family and stuff when they get that insecticide on them so there's a few different price Randy just brand names essentially the different ways of trying to do it so what you have to the puter have to do is actually stick some of these you know material around the park to the pen and tried to enter the house so when the too much come to get through that just kind of get through that because that Barry is stopping getting through into the house I said the first thing to do is is just you know I make the building regulations so that's the first thing that all beer is have to do essentially is to make sure they meet the bidding requirements and that's to stop people from stop at someone's getting through penetrations design that that's actually just coming in under the slab the other options they can come just in being from the start of this life that I can just come into the house from the outside essentially so one of things you can do to try and stop that is you know bought by putting concrete pas around the outside the house actually protecting your houses there's hope all of other benefits putting concrete pods or any house is actually good for storm water nobody from things then a guy you want to try to protect the forties the house understanding the houses them.
You know I am sitting on top of this the footings and and structurally yeah that's that's where the strength comes from you if you look at a house just little timber frame just like 2 weeks old and the whole thing together in the reason that can do that is because they got the strong footing that sits in its really solid and structurally sound you can build almost anything on as long as that maintains its structural integrity then you shouldn't have any too many problems of the rest the house I generally when you get cracking and get things going on the house as far as me even because of 40 is not necessarily doing what you'd hope they do essentially so I'm.
So that being said so you really want to take your footing said putting concrete pas ran the US auto hide his run and so on that's gonna get all the water to come wife in the putting surface that the good thing just protected points the first place but then secondly it's also getting Mike a lot hotter for the 2 months trying getting to your house think it remember what we talked about was that to my son not to come outside and so that I'll have to this stop in the gonna have to try and work it how they gonna get across these pockets you house and such Jenny what they can do they can do little tunnels and you gotta see this little tunnel might at a month coming through getting toward your house and that's the point you ring up your it on.
Exterminate your time on an inspector to come in and check out what's going on with the 10 months and they'll come in they'll spray and try to get rhythm essentially yes pretty hard to get rid him once the US they gonna try to kill off as many as they can but they probably just gonna go next door and attacked United house but yeah I was better than take your house essentially so it the other thing you can do is what's called a a physical barrier ease.
The standards require that you wore your foot your pots around the outside the house or actually lower than the top US labs simply the 11 start like the concrete and so it so if I even if they do build a little tunnel that's coming across the pas though then have to if you could hot difference between the top US lab and the top of the concrete path they're gonna have to be a little tunnel is going to come up the solder you concrete slab and so forth I can try to get into a house so that's the other cool thing you'll be able to see this tunnel coming across a pop and then use that to build a tunnel trying to get out inside your house so that's an extra protection for you so it it's another reason why if you act you know I don't expect this kind of come and check it out for you but like was yeah if you want to from work at where the houses.
Compliance as far as cancer brought up building requirements are should make sure it is a step down between the top US lab and when the actual parties because you mentioned if.
If the top of the slab and the pasta lined up to get that or even worse these there's dirt leaning up against US lab or the the pockets hard them with the top of the slide is the 10 months can just basically what started off the debt in through the bricks starting to your house so that's the first thing to that you really want to make sure you got a concrete path around the outside and when you got the concrete path is actually a step down between on the top of the slab of concrete path and that's going to stop with him on trying to get into a house as well or at least you know see the building a little time with so it's gonna stop you'll be able to have a chance to.
Because they want inspector and get him to come and get rid of the 10 months basically. The other option on you can do is well we talked about that. The term want me to move it to confront stop the 10 months so.
That's cool you know court on or to any measure all quality for brand names for these different products you can actually as well as putting in the penetrations around the parks is from trump stopping coming in you actually put a rally outside the house and they call that the perimeter of the house so it does cost money but if you want if you really want that piece of non you're really worried about 10 months then you can put the yeah this this will make sure the the little match you with insecticide light material over the wire around the also has new bricks actually sit on top of these this material and if you if you weren't from work out what your house has that you can actually I'm job and have a look at the age your house you see where the policies and then you see the top of the slab and you see a bit of plastic sticking out the Saudi your house and you see a brick sitting on top of the plastic a lot of people think that I have 10 my protection because I see that plastic hanging out the side the facing that Stan is is one of those pieces of plastic is going to be for what I call a damp proof membrane so it's just a a piece of plastic basically just trying to stop the war coming 3 from the slab up into the house. Font.
There was so it should be another piece of plastic there which could be the court on material or could be to the mess which actually looks like a metal mesh so if you see you got to be its parking out there probably you've got to maintain my protection around the outside the house of the accounts and guaranteed by it's a pretty good so I've got to be to plastic this something going on there because he should really have to be to plastic this I probably means you got 10 months I'm protection going around the outside the house as well so just give you that double peace of mind I'm one thing I'd point to is is a lot of marketing guys toward some.
I don't know if you know if it is timber framed houses so that timber frame actually hold to have some when you see what's good a brick veneer house they have bricks on the outside a house and have a timber frame and I had just broken inside thing to understand when you see a brick veneered houses the bricks on the outside the bricks are there as it is described as video it's just it's just to look pretty basically it's quite a price break into a price break it just it just looks good on the outside and sort of provide some sort of way that protection to your house essentially that's not holding us up a what's holding your house up is the timber frame so I don't know if you know if you know talk about double brick houses so that means there's a allow reconvene so I'm allowed because the outside and the actual breaks the hold in the whole house up was a brief in the house that the timber frame is holding the house up and the bricks on the outside is there to to look pretty and so to protect that the facade of the house basically so it.
That being said if your house is the ID Brittany house to have a timber framing there and what that means is some that's objecting to the 10 months basically says couple options as far as that goes you can actually get that timba in nam.
Dipped in insecticide and sorry so that means that when the time was getting there one eat your team but they're not gonna eat it because I don't really like it too much saying that not necessarily very good for the environment so it may be a better alternative might be so as other options I talked about the physical barriers with the the material barriers to try and stop the 10 months getting through there. Other options are you know they talk about nowadays.
Still frame I'm sorry the the marketing is skewed toward the fact that's going to stop at 10 months because they're not going to want to come in there and and it still essentially which they want sorry I'm so that gives you extra piece in on as well saying that if you're doing all the other protection we talked about the the tenant protection to that the penetrations and then the primer the house and you make sure the slides autumn of the 4 parties and then you you know obviously inspect the house but you have a popular in the us on a house it's not really that big of a deal with the timber framers to frame because you got so many other protection to try and stop the 10 months anyway and the other thing with with the steel frame house and in the die you stupid have a whole pile of the city but throughout the whole house anyway you can have you know I did you get.
Kevin tree you can have you jock trial this which around the you know the way the team around the the doors and windows you can have your skirting boards is with him but you can have a whole policy pretty house anyway so it structurally you probably side if you've got a steel frame house because it's not going to eat into the team but there but likewise to having to burn it how I am too much in the house no good cause gonna eat oversee team ready why such a revised rather than just relying purely on the fact that you go to a friend's house and then not wearing about 2 months probably better to focus on its one stop the 10 months and that's not the case so much about where we go to my frames to frame house let's focus on how do we stop the 10 month getting in the first place in that they get into a house it going to cause a massive hassle anyway so I.
However this might since everybody a hug you from you know hopefully not so stressed about 9 OO when I talked to some clients they massively stressed at 10 months they really Wierd about having too much come into the house and up to date a guy for the same price explain you'll the options we have a trying to prevent 10 months and then the hope for that put them on ease and also stressed about the whole prices so young yeah I please inform you will be hopefully make so much sense to you if you've got to anything he likes my coming off you had issues with so much in the past and you know be using the phone it will cool was that issue because hopefully if you had somebody protections up talked about you would have some these issues but some.
And if you got something you liked me talk about the future of IBM have been have a check for coming coming books or will put any questions and they don't have to talk about that if you like what I decided to come the like button if you know someone thing about beauty click on the ship on because I'm I'm sure that I'd really like to understand what I need to know about 2 months because a lot of people don't necessarily know if you know what their options are as far as trying to prevent him on sight thanks guys nice chatting to you and I look forward to catching up in the.