Thursday, March 15, 2018

Termite Extermination

Gonna talk about if you have a. Home is the solution of termites if you see a tunnel like this.

Termite Extermination

Most likely it's active the way you can check is. We can break it off. And see if you see any termites or the next day the tunnels rebuilt. So we were gonna treat him is 15 flint. This is the fifth so 7 feet that way since the this we will build a trench.

Change will be. 6 inches. It's 3 inches wide. There you will fill it in with. A. Turn my insecticide. This is what we will use is made by a terminal or itself in a pro. Here will makes. Point 8 ounces per gallon.

We'll do here is that this will automatically measure. 20 fluid ounces I will create there's 2 gallons in the bucket so I will need to fill this up twice. Okay. Okay so what you do is you measure out the insecticide. And it self regulates itself the point 8 fluid ounces.

Need for you know for that in. You repeat that one more time. So that makes it a total. 1.6 per ounce. Okay good. Okay. Your little mix.

By the way this is insecticide I would recommend you not using anything that touches it don't either use it again wear gloves wear long sleeves as this is poison so it's poison for insects forcing for us and what we do with this mixture is. Number the trench we dug out.

We've done. 3 inches wide 6 inches deep. And we do it for about 5 feet it will pour. All of this in there let it settle. And then we cover it up and we're all done for 9 years. So there it is folks. That's what it should look like. And I will do the scene down there. And we should be covered and decide. This is what the second 5 footage looks like. Looks very nice.

That's right where the old canal used to be for the termites and hopefully we will see that anymore or cover it up and will be done. Thanks for reading.

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