Thursday, March 15, 2018

Conehead Termite - Identify and Report Infestation

I'm s also ball I work for the Florida department of agriculture and consumer services in the cone head termite arrived occasion program we are here in Broward county.

Conehead Termite - Identify and Report Infestation

Because an exotic species of termite has shown up and we are attempting to radically that from Broward county before it spreads to the rest of Florida or to the rest of the United States the conehead termites always travel in a tunnel that they construct this is an example of what a tunnel looks like that resident should be aware of.

They always move for protection purposes in these tunnels and they move from the nest to the feeding fight back and forth in a constructed tunnel so anytime residencies anything like this on their property they should call us to let us know that they potentially have a cone head termite infestation on their property if I come out and identify that there is a cone head termite infestation we will come out and treat in the landscape outside of the home at no charge the cone head termite has a very broad food preference they will eat anything made of wood they like houses they like pallets would that stored in people's property sheds they love trees.

Anything made of wood they will even eat cardboard or paper products if nothing else is available to them so anything you have stored in your yard or in your house that's protected that's made of wood is a potential place for a cone head to infest in feet and what they do is they build a nest are away from their feeding source build the tunnels.

That they walk to the feeding source and they take the food from the forging area back to the nest all day long back in force one of the characteristics of the cone head termite that makes it even more of a racist past is that they have multiple kings and queens in almost every single last one of the nass that we found had 25 queens in 28 kings in one nest there for one of those queens and one of those kings can pair up walk away from that nest to a different piece of wood to a different tree to an adjacent pals in set up a whole new colony the cone head termite has several different forms in its colony it has the queen it has a king it has workers and it has soldiers were the reason it is called a cone head termite is that the soldier form of this termite has a dark brown cone shaped head they're very tiny about the size of a grain of rice if not a little smaller my primary and most important role in the cone head termite is to eliminate conehead termites from Broward county.

So they do not expand into the rest of Florida or throughout the United States it is very important that the residents assist us all of the properties on this map that are colored blue were in the early infestation area from 2001 to 2010 this is where they were finding the life cone head termites in during treatments now in 2012 we found a whole new areas as you'll see there the properties in yellow and it shows you the potential for this cone head termite.

To spread the department of agriculture has been very thankful to the city of danger beach for their assistance in educating the residents on what to look for in notifying us when they receive a call regarding the conehead termites we are greatly appreciative for their health.

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