Thursday, March 15, 2018


Thank you for clicking on to the coca termites treatment post.


Hopefully over the next few minutes you can think I'm inside Intel al technicians who stole treatment around your home how they install the chemical and also how they tied up behind before they leave homes in the southeast Queensland area are extremely vulnerable to attacks from foraging termites termites a located in most backyards nesting in gum trees tree stumps retaining walls any embedded timber from the nest they build an elaborate network of subterranean tunnels normally only half a foot on the ground in search of timber the worker termites use they launched jewels to kat and scrape the timber into small pieces to digest as they walk back to their nest the timber is changed to soluble sugar this by a special enzyme in that counts.

Once they arrive at the nest they regurgitate the sugar is to feed the colony and the juvenile termites located in the nursery termites view your heart as a highly desirable restaurant where the food is free and there's plenty of it he you can say the foraging termites have traveled on to paint this as they enter the structure we usually find turn lights on the pipe is concrete pots and drive Weiss they built the tunnels horizontally along the ground to ride up to the footings of the house.

Once they hit the slab agile footings and I will travel left or right looking for concealed entry point. These concealed entry points are usually a small gap in the mortar between the bricks embedded below the ground sometimes the termites will build a mudslide out of the ground over the slab edge or into a windfall to gain entry into your heart quite commonly the largest lead to found in the sub floor under a house it's dark and all ideal environment for termites to stop these kinds of investigations we strongly recommend installing a chemical treatment around the base of your heart these days we have a selection of highly effective and safe chemicals that were only dreamt about a few years ago are counted termites uses only the best performing timid asides and refuses to use any generic brands we encourage our clients to view the preparation process we are a fully accredited applicator for terminal and ultra set both the known repellents and both work to eliminate the colony that is attacking your house once we have done a complete a price or or inspection of your home and listen to your concerns our experienced technicians will recommend the chemical most appropriate for your structure for more information please view of post on our inspection process once you've made a very wise decision to protect your home from termites you naturally want to know.

I will be installed properly by professional and trustworthy company at coca termites we have the experience and expertise to install a chemical treatment to the highest possible standard here is how your treatment will be installed firstly I trenches dug down to the footing that this brick wall is sitting on as we explained before most concealed entry points for termites happen in this sign once the soil is being dog and placed along the trench it is ready to hand pull of the chemical.

The chemical is applied in life is to ensure the soil is saturated completely the quality of the soil is very important to ensure the chemical is absorbed and distributed evenly this is Wierd conquer termites we might suggest to introduce a good quality long the soil if the existing soil is to sandy for high in clay content in a matter of a few hours both terminal and ultra said we'll bone to strongly to the soil and will not be prone to leaching with heavy rains.

This gives us the confidence these products will stay in the zone to give you continuous protection once the chemical has been completely applied to the trench the boys will level the soil ready for a layer of stoned soul suck response to be laid on top.

Often we appraised for the wonderful landscaping we do when installing a treatment if the pipe is around your home can be lifted then they will be lifted in preparation for chemical treatments if another company is telling you this is not necessary it just means they are either incompetent or lazy it is a difficult job to lift in real life hive is but full of technicians have been trying to do this and take a lot of pride in the quality of the real life. Importantly they all want to go the extra mile to ensure the best possible treatment outcome.

A great option that conquered termites can offer before the pipe is cut back or new concrete is laid is the installation of the altus reticulation system this is a specially designed chewed that has remiges embedded to guarantee even flyer to replenish the chemical treatment at a later time. Most times we'll have an area where concrete has been laid up against the structure. The structures that have a problematic termite infestation we sometimes suggest to come out and lift a strip of concrete along the perimeter to allow us to dig a trench.

This is the ultimate way to install the chemical treatment but it is a lot of work and very expensive the majority of harms can adequately be treated by drilling and injecting the chemical under the concrete with an injection road for most treatments we use the 12 millimeters drill bits for some treatments we might suggest you use a smaller drill bit to fit between the ground of the tiles. I'd come to termites we will always want to give the hormonal options to allow the best possible finish this is why many customers select the extra service of diamond cutting when they have expensive tiles will surface Darius.

He's a skilled and time consuming task but the excellent finish is worth it.

The chemical is supplied through each hole by inserting injecting wrought and pumping the chemical under pressure. The technician tries to apply 100 liters per every 10 Matus. To ensure the chemical doesn't escape from the nearby homes coca termites uses special plastic plugs to stop this happening. Once the pumping is finished the holes are ready to be sealed.

All the technicians take a lot of pride in the final finish and work hard to color matched the special motor to have a near perfect finish. If you have a some floor area under your house it is very important to treat the soiled areas as mentioned before termites easily bridge out of the ground and build leads into a house. It's normally not a fun place to work but it is vital to install a chemical treatment along full of the brick footings and concrete stops.

The technician will prepare a shallow trench by hands digging and then apply the chemical.

Once the chemical is being applied it is important not to disturb the treatment and not to stack personal items up against the walls. Home god is a great option when we come to protect a structure that needs more than just a chemical treatments. Home god products are impregnated with boyfriend threaten that will propel and kill termites for 50 years this is ideal for when you're lying in new concrete slab of against a harm full when you wanna protect steel PS.

When you select conga termites you have the reassurance that all at technicians a fully licensed and insured but you also have the assurance that they are accredited install is through the manufacturer of 10 it'll all just said and hung god this means we have been selected by the manufacturer to install their product to the highest possible standards with 10 adore you also have the option to register for the $2000000 warranty completely free of charge.

For extra peace of mind coca termites can offer the $100000 timber secu insurance cover through their ensure a rapid solutions this is a legitimate insurance cover for any future repairs to damage caused by future time might attack a reality in our industry is that there are no absolutes termites are unrelenting in their efforts to find a way into homes and there is no single treatment that will permanently Regel hime from the threat of time I'd attacks you need to stay vigilant and have the assurance that when things go wrong you have a company that will be there to help all out treatments come with the company warranty that is we promise to re inspect and trade free of charge in the unlikely chance the termites were to reappear this is renewable on annual warranty inspections with dole out treatments we apply treatment labels for future reference as well as providing a 3 page certificate of treatment confirming that your home has been traded to the Australian standards by a fully licensed company.

Thank you for perusal out treatment post we understand as a hymen a make a decision of which company is going to treat you hide is a big decision it comes down to trust people trusted the gun to the top right you're gonna have to trust that they're going to be there in the future I go to bed.

How could turn my trip Tyson is being built on trust we invite you to become one of our valued customers?

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