Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Applying Termite Granules

I am here to talk to you a little bit about termite control and in particular preventing your house from termites in a very simple manner.

Applying Termite Granules

What I have here is a typical house that has some shrubbery right against the house itself which happens to be a very popular place for termites using this product I have in my hand here which is a small granular product I can literally apply this around the surface of my home in a very simple manner a really great feature about this product is that the termites actually walk across the chemical carry it back to the nest and that's how it around a case the colony very simply let me show you how literally I'm just shaking a ban.

Of the chemical. In about a 6 inch with the 12 inch with. Along the base of the house and then what I'll do is I'll follow up in water the chemicals in. To activate the ingredients and what this will do is essentially prevent termites.

Subterranean termites desert subterranean termites from damaging our house for up to 2 years in this country about 2000 square foot home for about $10 per year.

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