Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Ants vs Termites - Do Ants Keep Termites away

Hi jump on the Democrat is here again one of the questions that are commonly get is can one Anson black hands leave together see most people say to me well of call blocking Sarandon.

Ants vs Termites - Do Ants Keep Termites away

I'm wouldn't have any white ants and bearing in mind that wanted some blankets are 2 completely different families that one in school termites as we know them well they don't really answer dole and it is commonly 9 it is true that the black hands are I predator of termites but the reality is that they're not going to read it had a colony more often than not whenever do inspections especially when it comes to things like landscaping team is if you've got time to sleep is lying around other bits of wood lying many gotten even a tree stump it's not uncommon for me to see normal ants and termites living in it together will often they just too busy doing their own thing it is like people in a way sometimes we just get distracted with or I think when a reward out what the next person's doing the other factors to consider.

So often what we'll see is that if there is conflict between the 10 months in the ants it's actually something that's minimal and localized as you can see here there many ants running around and you can look in the background 10 months trying to find out what happened will it was me that actually happened all I was doing an inspection looking for so much in a piece of timber and I found that they were both termites and ants this little post now as you can see the 10 months of trying to re establish a close might choose the ants have had a bit of a falling out with all the young Lama and so forth it also trying to deal with that situation.

One line to the ants in the termites on warring each other and this is all from what I've found time and again yes there's that one as he determines that's cupping a flogging from that hands but the reality is that the majority of them are just trying to reestablish order when it comes to the normal daily operations and so this is something that we've found very often when it comes to doing time on inspections term odds and ends will often be living in the same piece of timber together and I on bothered with each other because they're not the primary targets they're more interested in keeping the urn colonies established and making sure that the colonies site.

Termite colonies can be incredibly latch and we think of that piece of temporal or that particular stump the recording I gotten that might have too much some black ants in it will the actual termite colony could be much bigger than the few 10 months that are running around in that log for instance termite colonies can go from 0.5000000 to 1000010 months strong for really be colony thinking about that if there is say for instance a few aunts that ate a few termites even if that were to really go all out and say they 20000 termites in the colony that 500000 to 1000000 strong what we leave that percentage wise not very bigger role and.

Termites aren't particularly sensitive when it comes to the loss of some of the knights of the family members remember the most important thing for termite colony is that the whole colony survives so what does that mean it means if they lose 20000 termites so what they got another 0.5000000 they're not particularly emotional when it comes to that the most important thing is that the colonies of oz which means that they will send 20000 termites to the death if it means that the rest of the colonies gonna get enough food to keep that in mind when you're dealing with termites and this is a really important part when it comes to termite treatments just because of the future wanting one particular location doesn't mean that you're able to wipe out whole colony without doing a proper treatment if you grab a camouflage spray or something else you trade a few termites you only gonna kill those few there's a whole colony somewhere else somewhere in your wool somewhere in a tree stump maybe in the neighbor's yard you don't see that you don't know why with the rest of the colonies living that's why it's really important that treatments be done properly on John from the time I track is thanks for reading.

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