Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A CURRENT AFFAIR - Termite Attack

First the relentless rain in some parts of Australia has been perfect for white hands and home owners need to be vigilant but you're about to meet a woman who had no idea her house was under attack until it was almost eaten away the damage is mind boggling.

A CURRENT AFFAIR - Termite Attack

This top ranking to think that it's done so much damage so how would you describe the several scenario. Horrific. It's hard to believe something so small can cause so much damage in your experience like how serious is this particular case. Is a very serious case in so little time you look at. Least 12 months what's even harder to comprehend is how a person could continue to live here with such an obvious termite infestation.

We thought we had great tenants the landlord says no one told her it was days we had come to the now then we fix that nothing as we mentioned at 10 months it should have been prevented boy early action early intervention.

Termites are not made for every home Mina as Peter focus and her family recently discovered what did you think when you walked in here today I can believe it when devastated the to sister has been renting out the 2 bedroom town house to attend for the posture he is the safest inspection that we could get changed and to walk in and say that is just it's a it's terrible a massive termite nest attached to a wall between the dining room and laundry so you had no idea none whatsoever behind the nest inside the walls thousands of white tents devouring the timber frame work those little fellows around.

That was certainly busy street battle from John Reis says it's one of the worst teams in the same sort of an official who would not actually liked and expect to come in to do a exit interview for 10 and find. Steve is based in the termite business 20 years but the extent of the damage. Left him shocked I know there's a problem. The further into the problem became everything. Says relentless rain has seen termite infestations explode across planes land and other heavily hit parts of Australia I should have. I am also unit. Inspected by 10 once every 6 months and that's that I can. Which is only a profanity.

That should be inspected every 12 months Asia is pointing the finger of blame at the property manager hate to look up to the place but that property agency isn't accepting any liability telling a card to fit it did note the termite infestation and posted a report to Peter's family in November thinking either the letter had been sent 7 that had my response within a week or week point 5 they should have been on the fine cooling us property solicited to mode while you really need in a situation like this to follow up and follow up and keep following up to the Mike sure your client is fully aware of the seriousness of of what you've written about a few weeks later we returned to mate termite control the stave back at the townhouse on the now off to the white hats at the the rudder cases would you be able to see the full extent of the damage this is the worst section do you think of the town house yell all believe this will be the worst this is this is the entry point.

Behind the jeep broke a wall of termites not has all but replaced the team book. And what little is left chronicles of Thomas is home to the panel. The beams and bear is also being eaten away at this. My there are. That supports the with the joys and for the for a few days. They're both structural. Support poles of even being directed to stop the ceiling collapsing the second civil place because all these letters. There's nothing left.

One is really holding on really feel for these people who would you say could be held liable for this disastrous situation clearly all be looking at the age. But secondly the body corporate could have some liability. Or the strata committee whatever they called in a text message to Pisa real estate agent Jim algae told her well they'll assist in every way possible. He believes the body corporate should be held liable for the termite problem.

There's a there's just nothing I can't believe that that's the sign. Devastating absolutely. The damage is worse than she imagined. The mass. When it's done. Wilson the laundry dining and lounge areas and maybe even the kitchen will have to be torn down and replaced the cost factor is going to be massive about $30000 can you afford the medical she says her family may have to sell up and lose a fortune if that comes to the crunch will then she will shouldn't have to live.

The focus is family is taking legal action in the hope of recouping costs to repair the damage.

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