Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Ant Wars - Ants Battle Termites

The entire army is mobilizing. Right party is heading down to the last place they found. Down through the wind turbines.

Ant Wars - Ants Battle Termites

The very least take and is leading them straight towards the termite mound itself. Hanson termites have been fed the salaries for over 100000000 years. Now their armies of today are on a collision course. But without any physical contact the blind armies is unaware of the termites ahead as the termites or. It's.

They begin to swarm over the outside of the termite taller. That for the moment appeared to them to be just mounds of dried mud. Guards are posting while others explore every crevice for any sign of food. First contact VS no there's something here. And change direction towards the alarm signal they mass around the guards alert for any unpleasant surprises.

This is by no territory. Anything could be lying in wait down there. And. A worker gingerly explores the gaping hole and the scouting party lays a century over for others to follow. That. And assault is on. Other rants have found the termites 14 times scramble inside the tunnels are now and not at all like the open space drive for.

Termites Norma straws and heads. Check the inclusion. A soldier termite confronts the invaders with a threat display. But it's not going to press drive. The next. And the rest is intensified. First blood is to the termites. But the bars are in danger of being over run. Next term. The entire time she must. So term might start to isolate her from the fighting by building a wall of mud mixed with saliva party like concrete.

There's not much time. Yes break through the first line of defense. All is almost complete. See in the wild quarry are incarcerated. Let's say. Another wave of Vance advances on challenge. The attack is not going to plant. In the tunnels the ends become embroiled in one to one tools. Job to job is at a stalemate ants and termites. Lisa price.

The adversaries are well matched. The hands are pulling out and. There are many will have to look elsewhere. Not all were going home. Those who can move out do so. The termite mound has defeated that. They must find food in another part of the forest. For the. A big change is inevitable. The queen makes ready for a journey.

The lower ranks gather up all the law office and the nursery and move them to the nest entrance.

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