Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Amazing World of a Termite

Termites social insects working together to form a characteristic site seen all over the bush.

Amazing World of a Termite

That's a termite manned actually to take of the iceberg termite city extends way beyond that on the grand and its function is fascinating essentially an act condition in system what it does is maintain very specific conditions inside the mind the conditions of the rain forest.

When the termites first colonized the Savannah some 30000000 years ago they brought the rain forest with them to support a form of life that was already wonderfully adapted to living off dad would.

This is what these turn my mind's role of adults who see those structures that those white honeycomb like structures there's a cold fungal combs there would pull and possibly bits of dead grass of the termites bring in a building to that structure and the reason the conditions have to be the same as the rain forest is because they grow a particular genus of fungus called to me to my sis around those whom the cones.

The job done fungus is to break down the lignin cellulase inside the wood and converts into form termites can eat which actually you can see that the little white no jewels just present on the honeycomb structure.

The termites lack the enzymes to break down the wood efficiently. So they've become famous tending to one giant social stomach. Same as a very intense relationship between the termites in the fungus you don't find that fungus anywhere else I actually in the world as far as we know other than inside semi man's.

I stole that looks and 90 percent of the common looks up in lignin in this part of Africa he's released back into the food chain again solely by those termites and that fungus.

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