Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Burns and Allen The Termites

Just to talk like to talk. You know honey these interiors by Michael Rockford are just beautiful all we have some wonderful ideas yes I know.

Burns and Allen The Termites

To redecorate my bedroom here everybody says that Michael rock like is the best interior decorator in Beverly hills yeah but he's very expensive do you think George alike to spend all that money all judges and I can't how much I stand as long as you guys know I'm spending. But.

So when you redecorate the bedroom when he find out at can you get him out of the house for a couple of days Ballaugh worry about that later here Mister little be here in a few minutes and I'm worried about getting judge out of the bedroom now. That is a problem. As a beautiful evening. If they could get the rest of the day.

Why don't you go out and get a good look at the new game as soon as I finish this murder mystery aboard it's very exciting I can't put it down. I did have to use a nice big so you can put it down. Thanks. Can I put it.

George gets out in time you know if he barges in and sees Mister Rockford how would you explain him well I'll just say he's my husband there's no other way to explain judge even to my own. But now we can do a lot of no. Something before I get to the dog. Open. I. This is my friend advice more of for them who are black.

Well maybe we should explain this drug could you see Mrs Barnes does minor husband to know she's redecorating the bedroom she wanted to be a surprise for him for is it in the bedroom is how this is difficult ABC honest take a look to see how much I can salvage all well we can say practically all of it. I would like to. He he he names the bedroom all well in fact looked as good as judge I wouldn't have done all that I think stand anyway I've sketched out some ideas which may suggest color harmonies material on tonight company only yes branch but missed about that all that this is my husband. The branch I asked IBM.

I heard you come in. You must of snake that. For the fall out famous explorer and that he's given elected not to. Right. I wonder what election about restaurants. Well the bands of. Me. And then blames. With the like. The Amazon with gun in camera. And can all and Mr act they don't forget about the Amazon is a river. So you bring up the Amazon. Yes but never this far out. Myself. Nice. Reminds.

About to turn on my television set. But to see how far up the Amazon only. Get him away from the house so we won't be able to indicate mark. Long will take you to completely re finish and redecorate my bedroom on the 2 days well I'll call you the moment I cannot in the house alright Mrs burns now let's look at the bedroom. Gracie hide a decorator again. Look fellas just alright Babbitt night for the show but for my monologue I'd like a little more light. Gracie hide a decorator again Gracie she won't put a hook in the closet unless she brings in an expensive decorated teller of the hopeful look good on her raincoat.

When we built this Dan she brought one and then set the decorated this is my husband's room and I want you to furnish it to match his personality she came over studied me for a few hours and told me what he was going to do when I got rid of. I think I'd be comfortable sitting on the floor next year all. And I bought the television set of mind that says quite a gimmick. 27 inch KO. Indoor television sets a quite the playing. They've been stole some of them in fact freeze already. Bosch's systems offers looks on the television screen sees which workers doing the most work and those are the ones you buy it. If you work hard you you you get tired and they align show on your face you don't photograph well in.

Wants to look at a bad picture and television screen. Yeah quite tricky. I know I know one boss was stalled when secretly he did know that this work is no he was watching. But he got a little suspicious when they came to work every morning wearing Max practice pancake makeup. Do you realize that these indoor television sets could have changed the course of history. Take Julius Caesar. If he'd been able to tune in now what rotors and the other boys were planning for the I slept much. He could have worn one of his old sheets we would not get how many holes that button. It would've been great for George Washington too could have kept tabs on the British Army in and he wouldn't have to spend that miserable when Ted Valley Forge.

Too bad it didn't happen that way out of his soldiers got frostbite. That my ankle still bothers me now. Okay boys you can make at night again. I just want to do it. Still shades of green bay organized they need to let me know just what you can get Mister burns out the house for 2 days. In 19. He never had a band that loves to go duck hunting he's always asking judge to go along yeah well I'll call Harry and telling judge left to go. Well George go with him del Valle. A sound that problem. Trouble solving this one. Surprise to you you know.

That could be useful if any of the money no doubt about that go see what. Might be a trick. Might be some kidnappers to some robbers. I'm your father I better go she orders okay death. My son you know to go with me. I'm always the shady all in the morning. We have imia taking such big steps lawn not dead issues that you're not taking any anybody give me a push I can get started. Good morning George. Good morning. I'm having the same dream. Just as I can handle this without you please don't let me see make his entrance. Yeah. George got out of the tricks and let's get going it's a perfect morning

Why should rest. On the lake in the weather is just cold enough and we can bank abrasive. We're going to go to bed. The Bob Dougherty. 5. Only really focus member when I faced on the down side then you will find. What's your new plan to get your your way all well has run the and have an idea then waking I'd write in the living room now house looks like it's full of termites yeah yeah when judge sees that I'll ask them to take me to palm springs for a couple of days while we get rid of them. See. Gaining all even a better idea. It is. Judge wouldn't think of staying in the house while 10 nights fumigated yeah well. I can help. I'll tell Harry that your health is full of them you know what a big mouth yeah and he'll tell George about it do all well that will help that he's the judge already knows Harry has a big mouth.

Well we're all set up. We did this at the fraternity want to observe. Well we get carries a lot about the one my watch money you have the time all sure it's got the time people around me. Bye bye. You should. Yeah sure Mrs burns all the controls on the cushion of the couch that there are 4 buttons just pushing one at a time and Mister burns of the termites are tearing the place apart. I'm going to try. You know with my mother and father going to palm springs will have the whole house to ourselves we have a ball tonight I call Milutin Joyce only kids estate they'll be here in a wonderful I'll take you to record the record player and I'll take care of the girls and about a 3 all star certain sandwiches I'll take care of the girls and then we'll start dancing that's when I lose the girls.

What if your dad gets wants to mother stricken doesn't go all there's nothing to worry about that always gets wise but he always goes. Waking up flushed a few buttons and it's wonderful to see the way the pictures in the printed just got the job that I was scared that day if there are any time I can also scanned them to. It sure would like you know it seems a shame to frighten just when they feel negating. He went out and I have a wonderful time in palm springs and the rest of the dead good landlady still nice of you and Ralph to do this for me just so I can we decorate our bedroom how we're glad to do it Mrs burns we just want to be helpful. Anything I can do for you boys all know normally don't expect anything in return you know we're always on your side cluster sure running I just gonna sit home tonight in the study.

Hello to this restaurant. Judge bangs we use handle the next family just for a party of about. 12 kids. 1414. From the mother you're a doll. 12. But the most expensive decorating a town he can certainly afford to buy you a few sandwiches right right. And a single couple may continue in this fashion for 10 years he asked a single couple can do that much what happens with the married ones. Coming. Views that you associate with Gracie has affected your mental processes. Getting home however I'm not proud of the way I came by my knowledge. I must confess that in my youth my tastes ran to the race here more risque type of literature. Okay mall or more.

And there was a book of 200 pages which described and illustrated the most intimate habits of the common term might. Is banned in Boston. I read. Do you really live. To be served plays of soup in this house. Me a Cup of coffee and then when you go to see George by most certainly will. Why why do we have to talk in the living room why couldn't we talk in the den will because we didn't have enough life. What do women set.

Whoa cried you gave me a choice. What we want to talk about well and I think you're very clever away you can make a lot of money out. Placed in how. If you read last night he would make a wonderful movie. Would you produce it. You think I ought to get to play the lead in the smoke. Just think about it at let's not talk but just think. How about Clark Gable. Let's think of somebody else and this time let's look around the room I went thinking. Spencer Tracy or to be good. They say. It says you high cal. For you to. George my properties in jeopardy it is I have just learned that your house is being devoured by hordes of a racist termites. Sit on our right. I think my house is full of term. We would start a rumor like that. People who start rumors like that. So Harry go home your property is safe.

They're looking your very foundation well maybe I have a few termites our call the exterminator get rid of them. Now the governor over help yourself to signup. Thank you again. What's the. Socialist food food down. The time that I'm putting out the termites are really bad instead of ours. So you've got the food from chase until tomorrow. I like to go to palm springs for a couple of days while we get rid of these time all that would be wonderful and why were there why don't you get that explore a Mister Rockford to redecorate the bedroom. I don't know how we got here but you. How would you like to have the Morton's go with this will kind of love that that you know Harry he'll say it's too expensive when you go over and get the mortgage on the house for a few minutes let me talk to these electricians all. Boy you got your tools to set up.

Going to palm springs for a couple of days would you like to go. Too expensive you. We're going to stop at the rank and club for about 2 days until we get rid of the termites. Join us fortunately we have no termites while they are on. We have a lot of. Well Gracie shall we open the your family album again all you have to talk about my cousin Robert Mallon who used to steal from the rich and give it to the fall was so wonderful San Francisco Robin Hood yeah he wasn't too successful you see every can rob the rich man he took the money down to the pool of part of town and. Give it to anybody somebody always real lessons rob and Ellen sounds like a bright boy what kind of stuff that he steals all all kinds they put him in jail for everything was. No one can tell.

He got away with over $200 worth of groceries that he gave to the poor but they cut in half hour meeting how come he went back to get a parking ticket validated he had it coming to him so we got. And one was picking pockets at the railroad station and he slipped his hand into the pocket of a very rich man who was going to Chicago yeah it turned out to be in every town pocket and that cousin robin had a very large hands so this large and got stuck in this tight pockets well what did he do willow what could he do he bought a ticket and got on the train with him and he went all the way to Chicago with his hand in this man's pocket no.

Lucky break you see the man and asked to go to bed I'm cousin robin and the man's pants got off in Albuquerque. But he was anxious to get back home so he went up to the nearest policeman and he said 8 years back the latest census gun pointed with the hand of the branch. I am back in jail. And when he came out to go straight yeah state the state cracking.

She looked at that. It was a big match and you know I'm not here and it has a full of money and then he read some place to open the safe a burglar always sandpaper his fingertips down to where the skin was fairly sensitive I read that too that's true and what happened when he. Well well you see when he touched the dial with those 1015 to 10 yeah it hurts so much that he screen. 5 more years and 30 days. And by the day yeah but disturbing the peace to. Gracie.

I know how we always got into jail but how did he always get out well he was a great out of great articles should when it really a good honest. Whenever you wanted to escape he painted a picture of unopened on the prison wall and and while the guys were trying to close it robin walked. On tonight's show where Frank Wilcox says Michael rock and Bobby Ellis as rob.

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