Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Advance Termite Bait Station with Termites

Today we're gonna show you. The process of inspecting a bait station.

Advance Termite Bait Station with Termites

Determining whether or not it needs to be replaced. And then replacing that station. So here we have a close up of one of the advanced bait system stations. And where to go ahead and open that now. Okay I'm gonna kind of coming close here.

Okay were taking a close look at this one. And you can see that. The station has absolutely no. Activity in it still. Very good will go ahead and we're just gonna replace us one. Back in to the station. And remove one of the next station.

Okay here we are at the second station. This was a hidden by a bush a little bit. Okay I'm gonna getting closer. I can see. Thanks the mud in this one. And. So yeah. If you look here. You see the mud in there you can also see quite a bit of the. That. He looked down in here you can see that quite a bit of the cellulose of missile. So. I'm actually a down inside the. Machine down inside of it. So the mud here.

The fact. You can see termites. All over the bottom of the station here. For that. No question this needs to be replaced okay now we're looking down inside the station I can actually see some movement down in there.

I can also see a lot of mud. In a certain criminal closer. Okay now we're gonna replace the old. Bait compressed bait with a new one and this one says compressed termite bait versus what the old one says only see the only real quick. This one says for monitoring only. No active ingredients so you can tell releasing this one 's a termite inspection cartridge.

Or we call and text for short. And. This one. Actually has the active ingredient this is the one that's going to do the job compressed termite bait soaring and install that. In the whole. Replace the cat. In about 90 days any activity in this.

It should be completely ceased. Okay we're gonna we've checked several others and they all looked fine we're check one more here last one go ahead. Okay what's the. Hello come in close on the spirit we are. Okay. This one. If you look at it it's got. A lot of mold in it. And. The underside. It's really soaking wet.

Looks like it's been sitting in water up to about this point here. Now we have a lot of flooding in the service of this might have all occurred. Just in the last few days. We're gonna go ahead and just replace this one rather than. Try to use it because when they started molding. The. Sometimes it's just a good idea to replace in that way the termites. Are going to something that's too saturated. They will really mess with us.

So no activity but still a good idea to go and replace it. Okay whether you saw 3 different ones you saw one that looked fine and didn't need to be replaced you saw the second one it had active termites in it and was definitely needing to be replaced in the soft third one that had something on it. Old. And it had it had been soaked about 3 quarters the way I look like standing water been sitting in the station for sometime.

And we decide to go and replace that one. So hopefully that'll give you an idea of when you should replace and when you should.

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