Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Can You Find Termites In New Lumber - Home Building

You are probably not going to believe what you're looking at here but they're actually termites and they fell out of a. New. Bundle. 

Can You Find Termites In New Lumber - Home Building

Of 2 by fours that we're going to use on the house that we're working on this is a newer house we tore down an old one and we're rebuilding. A nother one now you wouldn't expect termites be into lumber but I'm here to tell you that I have seen plenty of them. 

Coming out a brand new boards right from the lumber mill saw that talking about lumber that's 10 years old or 20 years old I'm talking about lumber that's right out of the males they cut these trees down the trees have termites NM and guess what the termites are on their way to your job site hopefully you do not have the queen in any of these boards but they're definitely not a good. Sign. I wanted to provide you with a nother view of the termites give you a close up here just in case they look like little specks on the plywood now making this whole thing up but you can talk to almost any. 

Construction worker framing carpenter who's been in the business for over 10 years and you're probably going to hear the same thing one time I was cutting a bunch of stairs trainers and these **** were flying at me I thought it was going to have to get a face mask they were coming out of the lumber pile so fast I mean I can't tell you how many of them got the way while I was cutting the stair stringers I mean it was annoying and the first time I encountered this it was more of a something you just wouldn't expect like I said earlier on the video you expect termites in older buildings maybe a few fence posts in your backyard but you don't expect them and brand new lumber but. 

I'm here to tell you like already mentioned earlier in the video there's the proof I've seen it before and I'm sure that I will see it again so be warned next time you order some lumber you just might have a few friends that you really didn't want to invite over to your house. 

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