Exterra Termite Baiting System |
Subterranean termites live primarily in the ground leaving the ground only in search of food. Termites are one of only a few types of animals. They can digest the main chemical components of wood cellulose.
The termites ability to digest what is its most valuable contribution to the cycle of nature. Without termites the world might very well be covered with a layer of dead or decaying wood. Most nights consume only grass or decayed would. Only a few species of termites consumes sound under Cade would the kind of wood we used to build our homes with.
The fact the species of termites will search for food above ground as well as below is why they are such a problem for homeowners. What may be beneficial to the cycle of nature is in fact a potential nightmare for a homeowner. You probably don't think of termites as a threat to your home on the same scale as a hurricane. And it's hard to imagine termites causing damage is done fire. Yet year after year. Term.
Damage more homes than hurricanes tornadoes and fires combined. Subterranean termites live collectively in large groups called colonies colonies whose members can number in the thousands and even millions depending on the species of termites live in underground ness these nests are located in most of the temperate and tropical regions. Just because you may not see. Doesn't mean they aren't there.
Within each call are several different types of term. Each different type of termite in a colony has a different duty to perform. This specialization of duties within the colony is an important key to the success of termites and their ability to consume large amounts of work. Let's look at the different types of colony members that live and work in the nest together with the king the queen is responsible for throwing the college. The queen is the largest type of termites in the colony. In fact by comparison to other termites she is tremendous upside. The queen is the proverbial egg laying machine. She can lay thousands of eggs a day firmer in March at. Queen termites can live a very long time in some instances as long as 20 years. The king termites serves one purpose to mate with the queen. The king is much smaller than the queen and he lived his entire life at her side.
The soldier termites only duty is to defend the colony against external threats. Their mouth parts are highly specialized defense mechanisms useful only for defense. This specialization lead soldier termites unable to care for themselves soldiers are totally reliant on the other colony members for their food and care. Worker termites are the foundation of the colony and are the most numerous type of termite in the call.
They perform all functions of the colony other than reproduction and defense. They are responsible for the care and feeding of other colonies. They are highly efficient at locating food an important fact to remember. It is the worker termite that is solely responsible for damage to would. Memphis are in mature young termite colony numbers based on their exposure to different chemicals hormones at different points in their lifecycle names can mature into any of the other types of colony members. These hormonal signals are transmitted to the nets based on the needs of the county for more or less of different types of comedy members. The division of duty between different types of call the numbers makes a termite colony and efficient consumer of wood. This is certainly good for the environment. But bad for the unsuspecting homeowners. Termites are secretive insects that always worked out of view.
They make every effort to keep their presence undetected for several reasons first despite the presence of defensive soldier termites termite colonies have little protection against disturbances such as movement of a food source they are having. In most cases the only protection the termites have again such disturbances is to abandon the disturbed area or food source.
Termites are soft bodied insects whose skin offers no real protection against the outside environment. To protect themselves they must construct in close tunnels to move between their nest and distant points such as a food source termite tunnels are constructed a blue together soil or whatever other loose matter is available. Mature termite colonies perform an annual event that is often the only clues to the existence of the colony.
The release of still another type of colony member out into the general environment. These calling numbers are winged reproductive term often referred to as swimmers. These termites are called swimmers because they leave the colony in group flights that often consists of a massive thousands of fluttering termite to look like a small. The purpose of this morning process is very simple to disburse reproductive termites to form more termite colonies nearby. Colonies time the release of swimmers carefully to coincide with periods of ideal atmospheric conditions such as moderate heat calm winds and high relative humidity. This tiny increases the likelihood that this warmers will be successful in establishing their new colonies.
Most types of termites swarm once or twice a year swarms occur at different times of the year depending on the species of subterranean termites some types of termites warm in the spring others in the fall. Regardless of when a swarm occurs its function is always the same to form new colonies as seen here swarms normally occur out of human view in an area such as a force and are of no concern. Termites become a subject of concern only when they focus their attack on process forms of cellulose such as the wood in the building.
During the construction of a house many but not all food sources in the ground are removed however termite colony in the ground remain in place and hungry as ever. The houses built in an airy infested with termites. Worker termites from the colony continue to search for food in the same area which is now occupied by a new house. Worker termites are determined searchers this is because their continued success in locating food is vital to the continued survival of the colony. Well there's no proof of it it often seems the termites can somehow sensed the presence of far above the ground they are happening. If the wood has a high moisture content.
Although they are called subterranean termites this label can be misleading as they often search above ground for food. Their search can take them anywhere there's food. Including the above ground parts of a wooden structure. In their search termites can gain access to structures in many ways. Most. The interview cracks in the concrete slab. Or openings in masonry building materials such as voice in concrete blocks. Some homeowners living in houses built on concrete slabs may believe they are protected against termites by the slab beneath their home.
However slam homes are often the type of dwelling most easily infested by termites. Termites can penetrate through cracks as narrow as a penny. And the formation of such cracks in the slam is often inevitable as a structure ages and settles. When workers locate a passageway into the structure the first step of their invasion is the construction of exploratory tunnels. After a food source is located in a structure additional worker termites are signal by the first invaders to help in exploiting this new food source. Termites are so adept at concealing their presence in the structure that a termite attack can continue for a long period of time completely undetected. Termite attacks can be made even more severe by the presence of conditions that maximize termite feeding. Such as the presence of excess moisture in the woods.
The result of a plumbing or roof leak or landscaping problem. Even though they may only be a few feet away most homeowners never see worker termites destroying their home. The longer worker termites are able to damage a home undetected the more damage they can do. Some termite attacks against homes can go undetected for many years resulting in thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars of damage. Then and all too often. Homeowners are confronted with what can seem to be an almost cataclysmic event. The emergence of swimmers inside their home. Sometimes large swarms inside home. Can be very dramatic.
As they take flight and literally filled the. Although their sudden appearance can be alarming swarming termites do not damage would only worker termites damage would. Findings warmer termites inside or around the structure is not necessarily prove that the structure is being damaged by termites.
But it should tell you that a professional termite inspection of the property is in order. It is said that there are 2 types of home those that have been attacked by termites and those that will be. The fact this warmers may have never appeared in your home is no reason to rest easy against the possibility of a termite attack. A professional termite inspection of the premises is a good start to the process of protecting the structure against termite attack and inspection will provide valuable information about the possibility of an ongoing termite attack. Unfortunately even the best termite inspection faces important limitations inspections are normally limited to the accessible and visible parts of the structure.
These however are the very parts of the structure least likely to be affected by termites. Because of the termites secretive nature. It is not normally possible. To examine all points of potential termite attacks against a home. Such as areas behind walls or within may soon become. Inspections are valuable for what they can find. But an inspection that does not find termites must not be relied upon. As proof the termites are not attacking the structure.
The best protection of your structure against termite attack is a professionally applied and maintained termite protection. Traditionally home such as yours have been protected against termite attack with the application of a chemical barrier or zone around and under the structure the goal of this process is to place a toxicant between the structure and the ground beneath it. Depending on the type of product use very treatments work by either repelling termites as they attempt to enter the structure. Or by killing termites at some point after they come in contact with the barrier. Berry treatments can be an effective form of termite control however they have their limitations.
Yours are effective only as long as they are in place and are of a certain strength or potency. If the barrier is physically disturbed by events such as running water or soil the continuity of the barrier can be interrupted. Resulting in gaps which termites can gain access to the structure. The affected life of a barrier treatment can be highly dependent upon the strength or concentration at which it is applied. If a barrier is applied at low string or if a barrier degrades over time termites can gain access to the structure. Chemicals now in use do not last as long as previously available chemicals. These chemicals have been banned.
This makes it necessary to re apply very treatments more frequently in order to ensure the structure is always protect.
The process of applying. Indian invasive. To form a barrier under structure it may be necessary to do a large number of holes in the outer surface of the structure. These are necessary. To inject the barrier talks between the structure and the. It can be particularly difficult to form an effective under an already completed structure and it is simply not possible to form a complete under all parts of a typical in place concrete slab. Often a barrier Prada can only be applied under the outer perimeter of this type of structure. This means that if a crack forms in the middle of the slab termites may have free access to the structure. The barrier application process might in some cases even require the removal of interior finish surface. Find. Applications can involve the application of hundreds of gallons of toxic and spray on your home or into the environment around.
Remember the level of effectiveness of the barrier is highly dependent on the thoroughness with which the bears upon. However the more thoroughly the barriers applied the more toxic and is left in place around the structure. And once the toxic barriers applied. He cannot be. In summary. Act on termites only if they are attacking the structure or attempting to attack the structure. Barriers can be thought of as a passive or defensive approach to termite control the barrier application process can involve the application of hundreds of gallons of toxicant containing solution around your home. The application process can be invasive as well as labor intensive. And one supply of. And not be easily removed. In contrast. A newer. Vance method of termites. We have to do is. Wide acceptance. This method is called termite baiting. Although the goal of both players and beating is the same. There is a world a difference between the 2 methods.
Termites can be thought of as a pro active or offensive approach to termite control. Instead of needing to wait for term to attempt to attack before being effective as is the case with. The dating process seeks help termites where they live and deals with them there. Well before they ever attempt to attack the structure in contrast to the larger amounts of toxicant used in fear applications fading involves the strategic application very small quantities of talks. It has been estimated. Then a home can be protected by beating with as little as 110 0.
Of the amount of oxygen needed protected using some treatment. Unlike. To make the. Only when termites are present. The termite bait product can be quickly and easily remove from a structure becomes necessary unlike the labor intensive nature of a. Dating is a knowledge intensive process instead of relying. A large amount. Manual labor like a barrier application baiting relies on termites to do much of the work themselves the premise underlying termite bait. Is very simple. The termite colony can be eliminated. As a result of its members consuming obey. And that a properly designed and deployed termite baiting system. Can eliminate all termite call.
Under a structure. There. Protecting it. Your home is probably the biggest investment you'll ever make and termites could be the single biggest threat to this investment. To protect your home against termites you want the very best in termite protection home such as yours have been traditionally protected by barrier treatments however now there is something newer and more it. That something is the xterra termite interception invading system. The name xterra. Is drive from a combination of work. Exterminating. Term. And terra which is Latin for. Exterminating termites in the year. Let's learn more. Termite baiting with exterior.
Xterra is an exciting new termite control technology to protect structures against termites in a new way. By actually eliminating the termite colony in order to accomplish this xterra has been carefully designed to deal with the habits and protective instincts of the termite colonies it seeks to eliminate. Termite baiting systems kill a termite colony as a result of the colony consuming a toxic bait for this reason abating system must congregate termites at selected points where they feed on the bait.
Termites should be provided easy access to the feeding points while access by other animals for humans should be restricted. This is accomplished by feeding a baby to a termite colony inside in ground station. Xterra uses specially designed and configured stations as shown here. Termites axis the interior the station through slots in the size of the station. These openings are large enough to allow termites to into the station while restricting for instance the entry of a child's hand over Pat.
Termites cannot be attracted however if a food substance is placed in the ground near their nests they will normally find it and begin to consume it for this reason the first step in the xterra termite baiting process is the installation of wooden interceptors in the station the interceptors lined the inside the walls of the station leading a vacant camping at the center of the station the interceptors rest against the wall where they are in contact with the slot termites into the station through the slot and begin feeding on the interceptors thereby establishing termite feeding in the station the arrangement the wooden interceptors in the xterra station is unique and for good reason its patent. This arrangement of the interceptors allows the entire interception and baiting process to occur in the station without the interceptors ever being moved or disturbed at any point in the process. When termites are found in the station consuming an interceptor bait is placed in the vacant cabin in the middle of the station surrounded by the termite infested would intercept.
Because the interceptors are not removed when bait. Intercepted termites found feeding on the interceptors are never to stir this disturbance reduction technique reduces the possibility that the bait application process will disrupt termites beating in the station which could cause them to leave the station. This patented disturbance reduction baiting method is an important key to the effect of xterra. After the baby is installed the termites potentially have to food source the toxic bait and the non toxic interceptors but because the bait is designed to be more desirable to termites and even with the termites quickly transition from consuming the wood interceptors to consuming debate. Just as important to the success of xterra as the patented interception and baiting method is the careful selection of the toxic it used in the bank. Most any type of toxicant can kill a term. Not every talks again can eliminate a termite colony.
Why is this the case. First because most toxicant kill insects too quickly. Secondly because of the way the termite colony members react to any threat against the colony. Consider what would happen if forging worker termites found and begin consuming a termite bait containing a quick acting talks. Worker termites that fed on the bait would die soon after they begin consuming. With many termites dine directly within the. Remaining calling members arriving at the bait. We discover large numbers of dead column in the day.
These remaining calling members would instinctively avoid any contact with that baby. This would be. Toxic and had failed to eliminate the termite call so how can we deal with this potential problem. By employing a slow acting big toxicant termites consuming a bait containing the right slow acting toxicant would not die in the bay. But would instead die sometime after they had left the bait and returned to the nest when they left the bait to return to the nest these termites would instinctively take some of the bait back with them to the nest to feed to the other colony members. Because of this debate toxic would be widely spread among all colony members back at the net.
Allowing it to affect and eventually kill. All members. Just those 2 acts. The toxic and use an xterra. Is in fact. Acting. The toxicant use with xterra kill slowly because it kills termites only at a certain point in their lifecycle. This critical point is at the time of their most. Molting is a process by which growing termite shed their outer skeletons the skeleton must be shed because as termites grow their outer skeleton does not grow with the. Instead they shed their existing skeleton to form a new larger one. Most termites mold on a regular basis throughout their lives.
The talks can use with xterra belongs to a class of toxicant called chiton synthesis inhibitors kite is an important component of the termites out a skeleton which is called an exoskeleton.
The toxicant inhibits or stop the formation of kite in the termites new exoskeleton at the time of multi. Therefore the termite dies because it cannot successfully complete the molding process. Name of the bait use with xterra is elaborate. It is called lab because after it is infested with termites it takes on the appearance of elaborate or me the toxicant used elaborate is very powerful and is able to prevent normal termite molding at a very low level and the termites dine. In fact the toxicant in lab is so powerful the termites can no longer eat a few weeks after they begin to feel.
This means that further damage to a structure by a colony begins to slow and is soon stock after the company begins to come. Elaborate even for all the members of the colony actually die. As powerful as it is in killing term the active ingredient is very low in toxicity to you. This is because humans do not have access. And do. In fact the toxic and is less toxic than table salt. Now let's put all we've learned together and see xterra in action. Here we see a house under termite attack termites appear to be entering the structure at multiple points the owner may or may not know that the structure is under attack from terminal. This is a job for xterra.
The first step of using xterra is station installation. To protect the entire structure xterra station are placed in the ground at regular intervals completely around the outside of the structure. Patients may be placed closer together in areas identified termite active for in areas with a high likelihood of activities such as areas of mulch and areas of moderate soil moisture. Here's a closer. Houses under termite. As we can see the termites have firmly established a presence in the walls of the house. Investigation has been. For some time. As noted before special attention is given to placing stations in areas identified. This can help speed the process of establishing termite activity in the station.
After a period of time foraging worker termites find the station and begin to consume the wooden. As long as they're not disturb termites will continue to infest the station. When termites are found in the station bait is applied the termites quickly transition from consuming the interceptors to consuming the bait because of their high preference for.
As the colony consumes more and more elaborate and Conley members are affected by it the number of calling members steadily declined this reduction in the number of colonies makes it increasingly difficult for the remaining worker termites to maintain the call as each remaining worker must do more and more work to keep order call. Finally after a high percentage of worker termites have been limiting the colony collapse. Soon after all the worker termites dine all the remaining colonies. Because they are unable to care for themselves after the colonies eliminated any remaining bait and interceptors are removed and replaced by fresh intercept. The process of making regular inspections of the stations than reason. It is necessary to continue to inspect the stations in the event another termite colony invades the area. Previously inhabited by the now eliminated Colin.
Most termite baiting occurs in xterra in ground stations as we have just seen. If an above ground pointer might attack against the structure can be located it may also be possible to intercept and beta colony directly at the point with the next tier above ground station as shown here this is not always possible however it can often times be done if a point of attack could be located in the station can be conveniently position. Above ground stations can help speed colony elimination this is because in many cases termite bait can be established soon in an above ground station then in an in ground station the only real difference between in ground and above ground use of xterra is that with the above ground station no interceptors. Instead. 8 is usable intercept and eliminate the call as soon as the colony's limit the station is removed.
Using xterra is a multi step process that involves servicing numerous stations to know what to do each time a station is inspected and xterra baiting technician must have up to date information available to them about the progress of the baiting process at that station Exter handles this with xterra. Xterra stands for xterra information system exeros collects information whenever a station inspection is made this information is then transferred to a central office computer the central office computer turns this information into reports that keep the xterra technician informed about the conditions at each site.
As you now see xterra offers a bold new approach to an angel. Our new techno. Can help eliminate the threat of termites to. By eliminating their home. The college. Xterra is the newest and most efficient way to handle a serious problem. Like termites. When you're looking to protect your home from termites. Xterra is the name to remember. He X. T.. He are are a xterra. I don't like. Homeowners. No love us.
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